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    Nottingham, UK

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  1. Quick bump (hope this is allowed). If not claimed by the end of the weekend I'll be getting rid as scrap.
  2. Hi all. Due to the sale of my 370z (and forthcoming house move) I'm looking to get rid of my old exhaust, which is still taking up space under my stairs. It's in good condition having been removed at around 20K miles (when I had my Cobra system fitted), and I'm offering this completely free - the only condition being that you'll need to come and pick it up from my house (Nottingham). Let me know if you're interested, if nobody wants it then I'll be phoning up a scrappy in a couple of weeks - which would seem a shame... (Dodgy IKEA bird print not included). Any questions just ask...
  3. I've also left the world of 370z ownership. It's been a hoot - thanks in no small part to the Cobra Exhaust fitted by Cougar Store, but I've traded in my GT Ultimate for something more practical (but only in the number of doors department). Here's my new motor, currently raking in a bleak 14 mpg - but it's a joy to drive. I've never posted much on here but it's a fantastic forum with great members - keep up the good work and helpfully see you around!
  4. I'm only really playing the crucible now, if it wasn't for that I'm not sure I'd be dipping in very regularly. Having said that I'm still cramming in the hours. Dragon Age looks good, but this looks even better...
  5. Just to add, my 370 doesn't have intermittent either, just "auto" or "on" (2 x speeds). It's a 59 plate UK model.
  6. I loath the term atheist, and wouldn't use it to describe myself, but I certainly have no religious / spiritual beliefs whatsoever. I think atheist these days is used to describe people who actively reject other people's beliefs, whereas I'm happy just to not share those same beliefs myself. As many of my friends on Facebook are active "atheists" as they are active "believers" - interestingly it's the atheists who are far more inclined to post articles supporting their particular doctrine. Kind of ironic.
  7. Was going to join you last night Dave but had had one too many pints in the afternoon and wasn't sure I was capable of a strike. My crucibling was a bit hit or miss too...
  8. At least my class armour isn't a skirt. And one coloured up by Vivienne Westwood for that!
  9. Got myself a lovely cloak / shader combo...
  10. Any decent rewards? Just got a new record in the crucible, 35 kills in one game, and my team still lost...
  11. Did Did you guys try VoG on Saturday morning - or just opt for the weekly nightfall? I logged on about 10.30am and was going to join if there had been a spare slot.
  12. Hype was a nickname from school, I've used on near every forum I've ever joined, unless it's taken of course. Probably first used around 15 years ago!
  13. Would've been up for it but can't do tomorrow morning, will be back online in the afternoon / evening if anyone else is. I've only tried VoG once with a bunch of randoms, it was carnage...
  14. I go for mid range as primary (auto rifle mainly) and shotgun as secondary. Once you learn to swap at the right moment it makes things much easier. For some maps a sniper is better as secondary. My exotic shotgun is full auto! On the downside it recoils like crazy and only holds 4 in the chamber. No probs for me tonight with regards server, but others in my party kept getting kicked out of our games.
  15. Likewise the people who don't seem to know full beam even exists. You're driving along behind them and they're bumbling along at 20 because they have their lights dipped.
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