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    great yarmouth

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  1. haha yea iam gonna do the track day and take it from there! what are the bebefits of upgrading brake lines exactly? ive never tought of those before i normally only replace fluids and pads, discs etc.
  2. iam looking foward to it! just gonna have to take it abit easy as i dont wanna cook my brakes! haha
  3. 21st of may just for evening session. never been before so just doing a norvive try out to see if its any fun!... if it is then iam gonna book again and upgrade my brakes so i can start to push a little further with it!!
  4. Iam going to start tracking my zed every now and then and i know the stanard brembos you get with the car arent going to cut the mustard and ive heard the cheaper makes dont neither..... can anybody help me out and point me in the right direction of some good discs that can handle the more heat and also pads fluild and lines? thanks.
  5. Hi all, Iam hitting snetterton for my first taste of a trackday in my 350z & just wondering whats it like?
  6. nice cars!! loving the caravan photo bombing your photo
  7. when i mean budget i mean just to get value for money and not get ripped off like some maufactures do. i'd spend how ever much means nessicary but its always nice to save a few pennies where you can i think most people would agree how much we talking to get up and running with a full supercharger conversion with the appropriate parts to compliment it? just be nice to have some feedback off the guys that know what there talking about as iam still a new zed owner. cheers guys!
  8. hi guys, Pretty new to the 350z scene but iam thinking of supercharging the car purely as i can keep the std internals and iam on a budget. iam from norfolk. who supply these kits and fits them around that part of the country? would be greatful for any help lads thanks.
  9. jack350z

    exhaust system

    WANTED: Ideally Scorpion Y-Pipe Back exhaust system. Iam condiersing all exhausts that do not drone and are not so loud neither. PM me with any details. Thank You.
  10. is this system still for sale? and can it be couried to me if so?
  11. Cheers CS! i cant decide out of the scorpion and the resonated cobra.. both sound great!
  12. hi there, just trying to get an idea to which exhaust iam going for and videos on youtube arent doing much justice for me to be fair so wondering if anybody on here can help? Which out of the cobra & scorpion systems drones the most and is louder one of the two? Thanks.
  13. hi there mate, your system still up for sale or has somebody snapped it up? cheers
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