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Everything posted by Kraziekatz1

  1. Go on then, I'm willing to try it if you need a Guinea pig lol
  2. Must be the sun lol First one waved back ....other two didn't
  3. The stand is made to suit us, not us suiting the stand Its also more like 100 now with the other two forums. I am going to need some help organizing the parking though! You'll probably need to put the ones going out on track in a special zone so they don't get blocked in! Yes very true. I noticed you bailed on the track time...! I know....gutted It will be pretty obvious when I turn up why though!
  4. The stand is made to suit us, not us suiting the stand Its also more like 100 now with the other two forums. I am going to need some help organizing the parking though! You'll probably need to put the ones going out on track in a special zone so they don't get blocked in!
  5. Police stopped 2,000 motorists 'doing over 100mph' in 2014-15 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35654611 Quote: According to the Transport Research Laboratory in Berkshire, which studies driver behaviour, two groups of people are often caught driving at very high speeds. There are young men - so-called boy racers - but also men in their 40s and 50s who own luxury cars and may do a lot of driving for work. Phew! Just men then lol
  6. Had a tip off last week that the police might be planning a speed campaign.......and low and beyond spotted 2 yesterday on my commute. Targeting low speed country roads. Not sure if this is just local to me or nationwide.
  7. 7? Wow....that is young! Hope you have a good one
  8. I'm never sure where I stand with Traffic Police, they don't seem quite as scary as the ones that chase you down the M4, blue lights flashing, arm gesticulating at the hard shoulder! It's always fun sitting in the back of a police car though....lots of gadgets lol My friend sent me this recently.....not sure how much is true or propaganda but sounds like there's going to be more cracking of the whips in terms of speeding! http://www.driving.co.uk/news/drivers-warned-to-stick-to-70mph-as-motorway-speed-cameras-arrive-by-stealth/ Edit: sorry.....mis-read! Assumed you meant Traffic Officers!
  9. Not doing it for me I'm afraid.....prefer my nismo one!
  10. No not me! Terrible news though! It was pretty bad that night though, I remember driving home from work with clenched buttocks. Was telling Linus27 about taking it slow but still feeling like my rear end was sliding out from under me. Thoughts go out to her family.
  11. Was just about to vote lambo doors and under neon lights and then read the comments above .............and you didn't have furry car seat covers as an option!!!!!
  12. Yes, quite.....think I'll leave this thread for a while. Feeling a little scared now! Edit: Do have this image in my head of him living next to Doris from Gavin & Stacey now though lol
  13. Question for Kraziekatz1; Actually I'd better not! Already nearly got a ban! Sorry, already had my go! You know what they say about curiosity killing the Kat, can't you just PM what you were going to say??? Nuh uh! I'm a 15 year old boy who's girlfriend never let's me near her and you're a woman that's probably quite hot given your working out etc! Must behave. Must be a gentleman. Be strong. Probably no worse than Linus' question about how I trim my bush! No fear, not hot in the slightest, 2 stone overweight due to the 10 kids I've popped out. Although everyone's does say I look pretty good for my age.....which is 55! Does that help with your problem
  14. Question for Kraziekatz1; Actually I'd better not! Already nearly got a ban! Sorry, already had my go! You know what they say about curiosity killing the Kat, can't you just PM what you were going to say???
  15. Who hasn't had a go yet? Need a volunteer!!!! Anyone!!!! Otherwise you'll have to listen to my boring answers again
  16. I see a silver one round Reading from time to time. Whereabouts are you DarmoZ?
  17. Question for Kraziekatz1; Actually I'd better not! Already nearly got a ban! Sorry, already had my go!
  18. See you get to pass it over to someone else now.....not so bad, hey
  19. Me as Evil Master Betty! Careful TT350, the mods will give you a new "Betty" themed title.....they're tricky that way!
  20. In a fight between yourself and a Grizzly Bear, who would win?
  21. Do you in any way resemble your Avatar picture? Please say yes, otherwise you will crush my dream
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