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Everything posted by Kraziekatz1

  1. That would be a good time! You'll probably be quicker than you think though......Reading is one of the fastest half-marathons She's aiming for under 1:30 That's a really good time, when I used to run there were only 4 or 5 women in Flintshire who could break 1:30, Pete They allow us to remove the shackles these days Pete, so we can run a bit faster.
  2. It seems odd that the Police Drivers' Handbook would use the term 'numpty' You'd be surprised at some of the terminology they use for us civilians lol
  3. That would be a good time! You'll probably be quicker than you think though......Reading is one of the fastest half-marathons She's aiming for under 1:30
  4. Can back that up with a quote from Roadcraft The Police Driver's Handbook. Lane discipline on motorways (ch 12, p217): There are no slow or fast lanes. Overtake only to the right, except when traffic is moving in queues and the queue on your right is moving more slowly than you are. Do not overtake by using a lane to your left. Therefore, if you are travelling at 70 mph in lane 1 and a car is travelling in lane 2 at a slower speed you may pass without overtaking, but do so with caution in case numpty pulls across suddenly into lane 1....you may be in his blind spot. If travelling in lane 2 behind numpty, overtake using lane 3 only. Them be the police rules!
  5. What's the useful carry weight of a drone these days?
  6. Flex, quote from their website "If your names not down, you're not coming in" lol Seriously though, I'm pretty sure they'll be tickets (at obscene prices) available on the day!
  7. 24%? Seriously? Was looking at ordering some Rota's from the US on EBay....24% on top of shipping is gonna be a stinger
  8. Im getting 6 meals at least a day in etc, and due to the amount of steps im doing running about the house etc i burn it all off. The other year I was getting up at 5.30am in order to get an hours workout in before work, but thats not ideal. You sound like the male version of me lol
  9. My friend Nicki is running.....she's really fast! Good luck DarmoZ
  10. Rabbitstew....you're in the same boat as my hubby. He leaves the house at 6:30am and gets home at 7:30pm, too exhausted to do anything other than eat his tea and vegetate on the sofa. He swears by the '7 minute workout' app on his iPad. 7 mins a day, jumps in the shower....off to work, breakfast at work! Only exercise he does lol Know it's not the answer for you, but might make you feel better until you get back on track! I'm guessing if you're working those hours you're not eating enough during the day either.....left over pasta/veg for lunch, chuck in some chicken or tuna! Don't give up!!!
  11. Is that where I'm going wrong....I need to take more multivits? Currently take the ones for Hair, skin & Nails lol
  12. Watched this last night.....knocked me straight out lol Formula 1 gossip: Ricciardo, Hulkenburg, Sauber, Ecclestone http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/35743677
  13. Great! Woke up on a motivational low.....those photos don't help!
  14. Hello & Welcome I'm Reading area also! Did see a new roadster on the block last week near Tilehurst train station (can't rembember which day)......You?
  15. Try SarahDior...her OH is in that business. He's Reading based
  16. Not sure if there is any connection but I know they had to flush the pipes out after someone had a curry on the ISS
  17. Exactly as fluffballs said! Otherwise no one would ever get points/fine Edit: Don't speed! Works every time!
  18. Yeah I was one of them, 20 years together and still not married. Anyway I'm saving for a GTR so she can bugger off. Our wedding cost $28.....I didn't even get a new dress!
  19. Don't suppose you can cook as well? Strange you mention that, I actually do all the cooking as well! Just wondered if you were available for hire
  20. See!!! Not working! I'm just imagining you cuddling a little pug under one arm as you typed it
  21. Don't suppose you can cook as well?
  22. Ekona, that is romantic!!!!! Between this and your soft puppy kissing posts of earlier......you're bad boy image is in tatters lol
  23. Recent good reads: Carlos Ruiz Zafon - The Watcher in the Shadows Paula Hawkins - The Girl on the Train Patrick Ness - More than this Haruki Murakami - A wild sheep chase & Dance Dance Dance
  24. Awh....lovely. Congratulations!!! Much more romantic than my OH's proposal Haha....I imagine there are a lot of men hiding from their GFs today lol
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