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Everything posted by Kraziekatz1

  1. Erm, yeah. Might just run it back to Mr Clutch tomorrow and see if they'll cover it under warranty.
  2. After 10k? How much more bedded do they need to be?
  3. I've got major juddering under braking. Looks like warped brake disc. These were replaced 8 mths, 10k ago and should still be under their 1 yr warranty from Mr Clutch. Anyone know if warped discs are coveted by the warranty? discs and pads look like they've still got plenty of life in them.
  4. My SE convoy thread from last year mate: http://www.350z-uk.c...th-east-convoy/ You doing same convoy this year? Let us know if you are doing a convoy from Reading M4 way?
  5. Black 05 with big spoiler parked outside shop in Pangbourne at 5:30 this evening. Anyone know it?
  6. Was waiting for you to give your toothpaste story Linus27.....don't listen to him, have seen his car & whatever he uses it doesn't work
  7. Mine's a cup holder, never used though.....don't like to drink n drive in the zed WOW
  8. So need to take my azure 350 on a beautiful photo shoot.....not sure I can compete with you guys
  9. The hell happend ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk A woman decided she didn't need to stop or even slow down for a mini roundabout. . . . . WTF? Damn
  10. Ok guys, when I started this thread I was pretty p****d off with the comment this guy had made about my pride & joy and to be honest most of your replies have reassured me that I was not over reacting. But I've had time to calm down and realise I really don't give a **** about what people think or say. I love my Zed and smile to myself every time I drive it Think maybe it's time to wind this thread down......
  11. I wish my mum wouldn't keep climbing over my car, it's getting very embarrassing, especially when I pop to Sainsburys for some milk which sainsburys would this be Pretty sure it's not the one off J12.....would have noticed. I'm sure I've seen her down the 'wash n wax' on Oxford Road though
  12. Yep must admit, have had the 'wow, you're getting paid too much' comment quite a lot
  13. Errrr...Sorry to be a spoil sport but not sure I'm up for that one Will stick with flashing & thumbs up, thanks
  14. Cheers mates.....have been fuming all day, but need to just rise above it and be content in the knowledge that I have one of the best cars in the world
  15. So, today somebody likened my beautiful azure 350 to a, wait for it.........squashed, modern day VW Beetle. Well, you can just imagine the look on my face To make matters worse I was once asked after seeing a photo of my car on FB, if it was a Vauxhall. I mean, what is wrong with some people?
  16. I am completely gutted that I am still to meet my first Zed whilst driving mine Only seem to come across them when I'm in a different car. Would definitely flash my lights, and probably should apologise now to anyone who's been flashed by a random black Peugeot, need one of those car stickers that says my other car is a Zed lol
  17. I've had this a few times on my home computer.....thought it was the batteries in the keyboard at first. Seems intermittent.
  18. Ace, be even easier to trace the car for the insurance......feel a new product idea in the making here. Dragons' den here we come It's called SmartWater, already exists Damn...think I would have come up with a better name for it though Yep, keys are always hidden......usually by the blimin' kids Not sure we live in a 'machete under the pillow' location. Used to have a Japanese Akita to guard the goods, unfortunately recently passed away......maybe another big dog is required!
  19. EH?? Very nice BTW to help with the boot opening in 1 click - but replacement springs,I think, are the better way forward - pete's now doing them for the 370 http://www.350z-uk.c...ge__hl__poppers What he said mate. Boot didn't always open in one click...now does everytime! yep - good selection of colours available to go on top of that primer To think I use to throw that comment out all the time....now I know how much it hurts Previous owner brought a GTR so this little relationship could work nicely No way...seriously? Alex is taking a GTR out on track day so jealous
  20. Very nice......look after it for me, will let you know when I'm ready to upgrade
  21. Ace, be even easier to trace the car for the insurance......feel a new product idea in the making here. Dragons' den here we come
  22. I'd like one so if anyone damages my car they get sprayed in that permanent dye they use to track bank robbers
  23. Good point, well made.....mine is very loud also
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