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Everything posted by Kraziekatz1

  1. FFS......didn't I say this would happen! You let them have a PET thread, next thing a blimin' thread about kids. C'mon, I come on here to escape the real world. Anyone posts a baby photo and I'm leaving for good!!!!!
  2. Anyway....to answer your question. You should receive the tickets approx. 2 weeks before (post or email....who knows lol) unless you're special
  3. Don't know then. My attachment says ticket.pdf and contains 1 adult and 1 child ticket
  4. I booked 2 cars in January and got the e-tickets for both with the confirmation emails!
  5. There was a PDF attachment on my email with a barcode. You print this off and use it as a ticket per instructions in the email. Is that not the same for everyone? Your show entry ticket(s) are attached to this email. These must be printed off clearly to gain entry to the event or shown on a mobile device. All tickets will be scanned upon entry, you may be asked for additional identification such as the card your tickets were ordered on or your driving licence to gain entry.
  6. Same here Headphones! Was 19 when I met OH, engaged at 20. You put that much time and energy into a relationship, it's harder to just give up and walk away when things get tough. Sometimes you have to get to breaking point first, but you work things out eventually. Kids do put a big strain on even the best relationships!
  7. Gareth, I know we haven't known each other for long but I'm a good judge of character and its clear that you are an amazing, funny, interesting and passionate person that's had to deal with some real shitty times and still kept going strong. I know it's horrible when you get into a situation like this, you feel suffocated, lose sight of who you are, resent the other person, shut yourself down, stop doing the things you love for fear of upsetting the other person. You know I've been there and it's not a good place to be! Lots of support on here for you and the clearest piece of advise is that something has to be done, but I can't tell you which way to go....only YOU can make that decision x
  8. S7nny....you're a fool! Your GF's dad is in the diamond industry!!!! Bloody chase after her....you'll be set for life!
  9. I guess it depends on whether you're into the whole blue rinse brigade thing.....if it floats your boat you'll have a whale of time there Edit: Last thing I heard from my folks over there is half of the islands' attractions have been closed down and Lord help you if you need medical care whilst there!
  10. PLEASE! Clearly I am the AWESOME one here for persuading him in the first place lol Update: Work have paid for my ARDS course/test! I just need to get plenty of track practice in before I book the test date
  11. Is that why you have a beige Volvo?
  12. Ouch for the ban! The fine doesn't seem to bad though! But I guess lawyer fees set you back a bit. Did you have to pay a police fine and victim support on top? Why sell the car though? Most cars these days will do 120 easy so changing your car won't help
  13. Yay, another female z owner Watch out boys, we're taking over! Don't worry about your car, it'll look great! First time Japfest has done Silverstone so not sure any of know what to expect!
  14. I am going to separate out the models in age order We're having models hey? I've just cleared my calendar, I'm in I wish. come on Craig, cancel your guests, not often you'll get a chance to show that Skyline off in front of 60 plus Zeds and on a purely personal note I need to see your car!!!������������������ When you put it like that! I want to see your Skyline as well now!!!!
  15. Yeah, the civic's had a good spot for their club stand & had set their cars up in a nice formation! Maybe we should put a bit of thought into ours this year lol
  16. Awww. Poor pig. Keep an eye on it, tgat cut looks nasty! She didn't appreciate having the wound cleaned.....shredded my arms lol
  17. Pig, one of our kittens, has just been done over by the resident bully....the wound has narrowly missed her eye. Just wait until I get my hands on him!!!
  18. Don't push your luck Mr! Only just forgiven you for the recent title change incident
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