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Everything posted by Kraziekatz1

  1. Oh no, that reminds me if the time I hitched a handle bar ride home. Coming down a steep hill, very fast, the rider braked, the bike braked, momentum took over and I crashed out stupendously
  2. I'm not sure you were EVER ON the Christmas list....... And I don't think that your autobot names would catch on, bit of a mouthful Did you try it's alter ego Mr Outlander?
  3. Well, that's Christmas taken care of Ha, just had a thought... If they did the Pug as one he would have to be the leader and have a really cool name like Storm rider or Night watcher.
  4. Haha.... Brilliant, a blue one as well Do they do a Teg or Scooby one???? Thinking scooby would win the battle
  5. Anyone else watch Transformers last night and think that their Zed would make an awesome Autobot ???
  6. Sorry, why were you two sharing a shower???
  7. Or which chemically enhanced mood altering drug?
  8. Wow, my subconscious must fancy Will Smith more than I thought....that was a completely random date I choose Linus, wait until you see what a wrote on the white board by your name......mwah hahah
  9. Should I add.....don't leave Kraziekatz alone with the date stamp as she may change the date and then Dave will not be impressed when he returns on Monday to find everything saying 4th July 1996
  10. Don't believe my husband when he says he knows what a Husky looks like.....he'll come back with a Japanese Akita and they are about 60lbs bigger when fully grown and will eat a through your kitchen wall when left unattended. Also, avoid the overnight train from Surat Thani to Bangkok. It's already done more than 400 miles when you get on it and the cockroaches are really grouchy, plus you get locked in the carriages with them for 'your own safety'. Always check the catch on your loft ladder before pulling it down otherwise the telescopic bit comes flying down, cracks you in the skull and knocks you out cold. And finally, don't fall down the stairs, break your leg and then try to drive yourself to hospital.
  11. Is that common? Erm....how many times engaged then?
  12. OMG......No Thierry on itv. Now that sucks big time
  13. Dear God, not a new spin on the England merchandise I might be watching the England game from behind the sofa......
  14. I haven't had a flash from anyone yet.........
  15. I did hear that some supermarkets do a 'delivery' service.....you can order your shopping 'online' and they bring it to your door. Removes the will it/won't it fit in the boot issue
  16. Was sooooo excited I forgot to notice who, what, where & when, other than it was a black one Somewhere on the A322 this afternoon ish............. Also, think it was a bit of a reluctant wave on his part, but still my faith in the Z lurve is restored
  17. Hello Yay another lady Z owner Just a few more and we'll be taking over I don't very often put things in the boot, but the combination of carpet-like boot lining and the cargo net means I don't usually have an issue.
  18. I am so not taking the blame for that performance....talk about run out of steam
  19. What is the deal with the football boots? Looks like some of them are wearing one pink and one blue......
  20. Suppose I'd best get the beers in for tonight then I got told to stop drooling when Thierry came on last night, didn't even notice the brown cardigan though was too busy gazing adoringly into his beautiful eyes lol
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