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Everything posted by Kraziekatz1

  1. Linus...love the way you've literally just rolled into work and you're straight onto the forum to chat Who knows what or who I would keep in my dream garage.....mwah ha ha
  2. Hehe....and attached to a dream house with luxury swimming pool and gorgeous boyfriend, plus Chopper
  3. Here's mine.....don't actually have a garage though MV Agusta F4 (for cutting through traffic) GT-R (Childhood poster pin up) Scooby Impreza STi (old skool dream car & deep down still believe I can be a world champion rally driver) Dodge Viper (Muscle car) Hennessey Venom GT (love the name & sleek looks)
  4. That is one very nice looking zed you got yourself there
  5. Even when I fill the tank right up it never reads full....always just over the 3/4 mark. So I assume it's not particularly accurate at the other end of the scale as well. I thought it's not good practice to let the car get to empty though? I try and keep it above the 1/4 level at all times.
  6. Love it, I'm thinking maybe an animal shaped one.......
  7. P.S. I am very impressed you rustled that up so quickly....you've been thinking about that for a while, haven't you
  8. Needs to look aesthetically pleasing to the eye as well as functional
  9. You might want to check your insurance still covers you if the car is not securely parked with alarms activated. I also suffer with the branded R, 1 to 6 palm mark. Was thinking some sort of knob cooler.....I'm sure someone on here will have come up with a useful device lol
  10. Don't attempt to transform your 4 yr olds new Transformer robot into it's vehicle shape following the tiny pictogram drawings on the back of the box whilst driving through town......you may be somewhat distracted from the road
  11. Excellent choice of colour Adele......welcome to the forum
  12. That would freak me out.....if I'm sat in the back, who is the crazy cow driving this car lol
  13. Have a good one for you all.... Don't think to yourself (when driving home on your own down a deserted, dark and spooky country road) 'how scary would it be if I was to look in the rear view mirror now and see a crazy mad looking stranger's face looking back at me'. It freaks you out, big time......
  14. Cutting your hand on a sharp metal lid and then accidently spraying Ethanol over the cut whilst trying to clean up the mess......hurts more than you think it should I'm being brave though....
  15. Oh I can add some bike ones. When doing an aerial on a half pipe, make sure that your three piece crank is fully tightened, other wise, as you rotate mid air, it falls out, leaving you about 12 feet in the air with nothing to put your feet on ensuring that when you land, it really will hurt, which it did Also, despite being in a BMX freestyle team, don't think you can do the stunts in the evening when totally pi**ed out of your head on special brew as you can when sober as I can promise you that you can't and it results in going over the handle bars and feeling some pain and seeing your own blood Special Brew I was young, it was all the range, got you pi**ed the quickest and the easiest to buy when I was 13 Not SA Cidre then
  16. I don't think I have ever stayed in a hotel room with it's own waste disposal unit Even a room upgrade at Caesar's palace didn't come with one of those....feel so cheated Plastic or wooden chopsticks?....just out of interest
  17. Oh I can add some bike ones. When doing an aerial on a half pipe, make sure that your three piece crank is fully tightened, other wise, as you rotate mid air, it falls out, leaving you about 12 feet in the air with nothing to put your feet on ensuring that when you land, it really will hurt, which it did Also, despite being in a BMX freestyle team, don't think you can do the stunts in the evening when totally pi**ed out of your head on special brew as you can when sober as I can promise you that you can't and it results in going over the handle bars and feeling some pain and seeing your own blood Special Brew
  18. I assumed he meant quick detailer for glass...but might be wrong
  19. I always have a problem when I'm near the Isle of Wight, the Sat Nav seems convinced it's in a submarine and the english channel holds no boundaries
  20. Admiral used Autoglass for me. Took them a while to order the right glass but other than that no problems.
  21. One for 'Tip of the Day', surely..... I took the kids to Longleat last year (not in the Z) and took one look at the other cars getting pulled to pieces and floored it through the monkey enclosure. I let the kids watch the fun from the safety of the other side of the fence. Good luck getting replacements!
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