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Everything posted by Kraziekatz1

  1. Think it's about £20, but you have to be careful...a lot of the fitting places only go up to 18" wheels.
  2. Replaced tyres last month (all 4 of them) Falken FK453: Front 2 x 245/35R19 93Y XL and Rear 2 x 275/35R19 100Y XL, fitted, balanced, etc and filled with nitrogen....all for under £570. They did say if I could wait a few weeks he could do them for £20 less. So yep, good time to buy tyres
  3. Ricciardo is lovely, isn't he
  4. I've been to Rome. Went there for a romantic break when I was 20 Very nice, lots to see and do all within walking distance. Great places to stop and eat, grab a drink in the sun, etc. Whichever you pick I bet she'll love it
  5. LOL.....Maybe they think they are driving an Audi TT ? (Did I say that out loud?) Or driving asleep..... I always give a thumbs up if I see a fellow zed, same to the Scooby guys & even to another 4007 (they're really rare)......I am usually in the wrong car at the time though. If the truth be told, when all said and done, doesn't matter what car you drive.....some people just aren't bubbly, friendly, thumbs up kind of guys like us
  6. Nice job mate Yes, washed all my cars yesterday....always do the wheel arches and the door sills, etc. Bet they stay clean for all of 5 minutes
  7. Maybe they'd just boosted it......although I think I'd still wave 'n smile if it was me lol
  8. You gotta earn a silly name, they don't give them out willy-nilly! Oh, I think I've probably earnt many a good name on here already Actually, maybe I should stick with my current one
  9. Haha...these cars are soooo common LOL Might come down to wheel size.....18 vs 19s Hey, do you sometimes park in Tesco (Portman Rd)?.....think I might have seen you a couple of times.
  10. Get so annoyed when I have to play guessing games at roundabouts because the driver to the right is trying to drive one-handed & chat on the phone. Having said that I have 3 cars with bluetooth phone and never bother to connect my iphone, but then I have it connected to the stereo instead...so I'm definitely not texting or making calls whilst driving Singing is still legal, right? But more importantly.....how come Ekona and Ioneabee have got cool titles now? Can I have mine changed please.......
  11. Wow great price for 19's! The 453's are supposed to be a good improvement over the 452's so I am sure you will love them. Thanks! You coming to Japfest this year? Yes, didn't seem too bad a price.....the wear on the last set was pretty even and with 3 cars on the road I can't afford to go down the MPSS route. Erm, we have spoken about it.....it is a possibility, but childcare might be an issue this year so can't really commit at this stage Not sure I fancy taking the zed down that dirt track and parking in the end of that field again though.....are looking at getting a better place this year?
  12. Haha....worried? To be fair it's a bit hard to spot cars when we're all driving dirty cars in the dark.....bring on the summertime Went for Falken FK453, there's not much choice in the 19" range and I've been using Falkens for years on and off, so reasonably happy with them. 2 x 245/35R19 93Y XL and 2 x 275/35R19 100Y XL, fitted, balance, etc and filled with nitrogen for under £570. Good old Micheldever http://www.micheldever.co.uk/ To be honest I have no idea what difference the nitrogen makes other than tyre walls permeate air over time, so these should be more stable....but if they use it in GT-R tyres then it must be pretty good Hey, congratulations on your promotion to REO BTW Edit: And before you ask...yes, I have had the MOT done!!!!!!
  13. Pretty sure it was you! It was by the roundabout near the river... Can't really explain it!! Haha. The roundabout the next one along from TGI Fridays as you are heading out of reading Yes, that probably was me then.....ooops, sorry Do quite like the RR Evoque as well, bet it looked real nice in black
  14. Still love the GTR.....pound land grrrrrrr Felt a bit smug when they said it has nitrogen filled tyres, so do I
  15. Oh god, really sorry if it was me just got new tyres filled with nitrogen and rims do look a bit grey/black from the lube stuff lol I wasn't singing, was I? Put my hand up to a grey zed in Reading (nr Portman rd) this morning and he just gave me a 'duh' look back Actually, you said 'looked great', so probably wasn't me as zed in desperate need of wash AGAIN
  16. Useful to know and not too far away.....cheers mate
  17. Very jealous guys.....always wanted to go to Japan. As soon as the kids get a little bit older we're going ....hubby has even been trying to learn Japanese! Hope you have a lovely time OP
  18. Guess that's another one to add to my new years resolutions then.....kids 'll be really disappointed as well. They egg me on when they see a big puddle, and some of those pot holes can hold a serious depth of water. Seems we not allowed to do anything fun these days
  19. 'Kraziekatz' and running a replica of my zed (with added BGW). My word that Lego game is a bit addictive though lol
  20. Think you might be right. I have booked a stop over for the way back already. Might even just pull over and sleep in the car for a bit if needed. Thanks guys, gonna set off soon and just take it easy on the roads. Merry Christmas to everyone.....hope you all get something nice
  21. Am feeling that way......but everyone dropped presents off at mine at the weekend to take up. Will be lots of disappointed faces in Scotland come Christmas Day if I don't go On a brighter note, weather up North not looking too bad
  22. Unfortunately I looked at flights and hideously expensive, plus need a car to get me from Aberdeen. Looked at trains also, didn't seem to be anything available.....hence the drive Thanks for advice G Man...never mix drink with driving so safe on that front. I'll watch out for the speed cameras though.
  23. Fuelled by alcohol I came up with the bright idea of driving from Reading to Elgin overnight......what was I thinking All the Redbull in China is not going to keep me awake! RAC route planner is saying 9 1/2 hrs, AA reckons same route will be more like 10 1/2. Plus I'll need to stop a couple of times, so probably looking at 12 hr drive. Was thinking about leaving about 7pm. Any advice, tips?
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