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Everything posted by Kraziekatz1

  1. Cheers Coldel, hadn't even considered a VX220 although just looking at them and their quite pricey, kind of in line with the cheaper Elise.The MX5 falls on & off my list daily. I worry about the performance on track issue & at the back of my mind I just see a weekend countryside B&B car. A stripped out, battered MR2 with plenty of power mods might be a serious contender though Not for me, sorry. A few years ago, maybe but just the word VTEC sends shivers down my spine and the handling of the DC5 is just not what I want right now. Sorry but I knew if I gave it a boring car related title I'd get no views lolBut if you're into that sort of thing then check me out on Instagram @Kat'snaughtyninelives
  2. Sorry not a romantic gossip thread lol I'm going for my National B racing licence in a few weeks and have been getting lots of seat time in preparation for my test. My zed is not ready for racing yet, no insurance, roll cage, up rated brakes, etc., so I've been hiring track cars & getting lots of instructor tuition (can't recommend the tuition part enough for any budding racing drivers out there!). This week I had a Lotus Exige. Not driven a Lotus before & never had much interest in them. But OMG, did it suit my driving down to the ground and 2 laps in I was completely at home in the car. I have been thinking lately that the zed might not be the best car for me on the circuits & I just appreciated the lightness and pointedness of the Lotus around the chicanes and bends. Knowing my zed inside out I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have performed as well through the corners even though it's much faster down the straights. However, big problem. I can't afford a Lotus. Also, I wouldn't want one for general road driving. I was more than happy to jump back into my zed for the drive home. Anyone who knows me, knows how much my zed means to me so it would take a very special car to make me part with it. So, now I'm not sure what to do about a track car. I don't want to throw money at the zed if it's not the right car for me, but if I'm looking at a 'track only' car then the budget is going to be a big issue. I'm in no rush to make a decision but just wondered what other people have found in terms of best cars to track?
  3. Yep, ordered mine now as well Got a headlight gone as well now so good (or bad) timing to get them all replaced in one hit! Have been assured by my mechanic guru that wheel arch liner is the best & quickest route in.
  4. One of my sidelights has pretty much gone and the other is starting to flicker. I've just read through the guide on how to replace them and am currently sat by my car crying. I don't suppose a knowledgable person in the Reading area fancies popping round and replacing a couple of light bulbs? There's a cup of tea and a cake in it! Also, is this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131801559418 the best option to go with? I can't tell if they are the ones I currently have (look similar-ish)...... 2004 350z GT
  5. Interior restyle.....now don't go stealing my ideas guys! Happy Friday All
  6. Really enjoyed it mate....great fun! Feel confident to catch the car in a spin next time I lose the rear end lol There was another 350 there as well Hope you get to put it through as 'work training'!
  7. I'm doing my first half marathon on the 25th of this month good luck to all doing something stupid this month Half marathon at your age??? Only joking, how's the training going? I did 18 miles today, pretty tough though in this heat...spent the rest of the day trying to rehydrate! Not convinced I have another 8.2 miles in me A couple of my GFs asked me to sponsor them for PRETTY MUDDER in Edinburgh. It appears to be a 5k jolly with a slight chance of getting your trainers a little dirty! Still if it gets people doing SOME EXERCISE and raising a bit for charity then I guess it's for the greater good! How did the OP get on anyway??? Did he make it out alive.....
  8. Every run in winter is like Tough Mudder for me lol Am doing a marathon this month though....hoping that doesn't turn into a muddy one! P.S. Good luck!
  9. Oh no WINKJ Really sorry It's such a hard decision to make even though you know it's the right thing to do.
  10. Hey guys, not been on this thread for ages (I've 200 posts to read through!) and loved seeing all your lovely pet photos. Lots of happy & sad stories... So here's my line up! Piglet [/url] Vector And after we lost the gorgeous Boo after 13 happy years.....I said I'm never getting another dog! So, here's Belle. A completely bonkers sprocker
  11. Hi t_rage, I'm doing one of this training days in a couple of weeks....will let you know how I get on!
  12. Have seen the photos on FB Gareth. You're looking great You'll be reading for that holiday in no time!
  13. In what sense?! It's the in thing now to be able to do that isn't it. Like parkour used to be. See a lot if this "gym vs street" workout stuff lately. Using playground equipment etc. There is a russian guy I used to follow on Youtube who made some videos of his body progression, ...he did loads of body weight exercises using playground equipment etc. Such a strong guy I couldn't believe some of the things he was able to do. Basically stuff like these guys... I love this sort of stuff.....so wish I could do it myself! My local gymnastics club has a free running specialist guy, Lequan. He's in this video on the FB link, totally awesome guy. They ran a summer camp for kids. The free running day was by far the most popular. I think it's a great way to encourage people to get fit and enjoy exercise.
  14. I love the way you have a quick look around first to make sure noone is watching! Am I the only one that's noticed the start of a bald patch appearing? only joking S7nny....I'm sure it's just the camera angle or something
  15. Missed this Kraziekats, looking good! The diarys definitely a good call Cheers Tom Understandable miss, not a lot there to see at the moment lol August has been pretty disruptive with lots of holidays, meals out, etc. Looking forward to getting back into a routine of diet, exercise & making some real progress!
  16. Hi Marv & welcome to the forum I own a Scooby & a zed, find them completely different drives. Often depends on my mood but for the most I prefer the zed. How are you finding the transition?
  17. I'm getting there.....very slowly! Don't laugh please Have started keeping a diary so I can keep check. Been concentrating on arms, chest, back and abs as my legs already get a good workout through other sports. Had just moved up to 12kg for bicep/tricep curls, flyes, etc. (I know, pretty poor by your standards guys) but I'm relatively new to weights. Just back from holiday, so probably gone backwards a bit Although I was pretty pleased with my abs on holiday...even the gallons of cheap beer consumed didn't knock my 6-pack too much. Hitting the training again first thing tomorrow! Reckon by the time I'm 50, I might have the body I want lol
  18. Where you based Snowseph? I'm Reading area Me too mate. We'll have to coordinate a drive-by 'spotted' then
  19. Cool photos Stuggerz.....you should set up as our resident forum photographer! I never have any decent photos By the way, saw your car on the stand - looked real nice
  20. Where you based Snowseph? I'm Reading area
  21. Ignoring the cleverly painted seagull leftovers down the side......this photo has sent my OCD wheel alignment into a frenzy arrghhhh!!!!!
  22. Kraziekatz1

    Corsa VXR

    I've not heard of many reliability issues with these, although they do only seem to be useable in the evenings. They certainly go very fast between red lights......and round supermarket car parks!
  23. Very nice! Enjoy Definitely an old mans car though
  24. Replacement for his Zed I believe. Ahh....that makes sense! Think he was struggling to get in & out of the zed
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