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  1. Nismo rear overfender (arch extensions).
  2. It's very marginal tbh... The speedo is about 3/4mph down on the GPS speed.
  3. Thanks for the kind comments people There's nothing suspension wise other than the springs, it does have camber but nothing OTT, although compared to some of my previous cars perhaps my view of nothing OTT camber wise is different to normal people lol. Tyre size is 245/35/18 fronts and 265/35/18 rears. I'll post up some more from the actual show...
  4. And two more after another local show yesterday, managed to get some rolling shots done
  5. I'm lost regarding twitter too lol 😂
  6. I've bought a Boxster S from Castle Motors before, and they are local to me... They do sell good stuff. I know that it doesn't matter now as you've decided against it, but just in case...
  7. The filters and stuff I never bother with, but as a simple thing to pass some time and look at inspiration etc, it's great!
  8. oVerboost

    3SDM 0.01's

    IMO that design just doesn't suite the muscular / fat shape of the zed...
  9. They do the wheels in different colours... Maybe go for a different colour combo? Thanks for the comments people, appreciated! Another quick picture...
  10. Didn't get any at Japfest as the stand I was on was a disaster and more muddy than a muddy thing covered in mud! So after getting back and removing the mud, cleaning the car underneath etc and re-detailing it I had some pictures taken... Here's my favourite!
  11. Hi bud, I'm also in Devon so hello 😎
  12. I had a nice Hyundai Coupe / Tuscani / Tiburon... It's a shame they didn't have more power and were rwd otherwise they'd be an even more awesome purchase! The amount of people who wouldn't believe me when I told them it was a Hyundai was laughable!
  13. Received mine & fitted today, excellent quality, easy to fit and look so much nicer than the chrome Nissan badges! I modified the recess for the front where it sits by painting it matt black the same as the bumper centre section. Works well I think Thanks again asad.
  14. Thanks for the replies
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