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Everything posted by -Bradders-

  1. You sure its not just normal clutch noise? Have you got a lightened flywheel?
  2. Are they for a de engine Bradders ?. I'll take them off you at that price, mines will be going in for a service after the NC500 trip and will get the belt done too. Could get them off you when you come up for the trip in May I'll let you know i think Craig smith is having them! He dibs first but ill ask him if he wants them 100%
  3. We have a building in the university i work at call the temporary building, its made up of 20+ of these 3 floors, about 100ft long and 50ft wide lol temporary building.. still there 4 years later.. and probably will be for another lol
  4. Wheels looks great as does the car! GLWTS!
  5. That looks too nice to store a car, could put a TV a corner cabinet and a nice sofa in there and make it a man cave haha!
  6. Great wheels at a great price!! If i wasnt just spending out on literally everything lol i'd snap them up. once the cars done and all payments cleared i'll be after a set of these!
  7. Do as i do, push it in, then when getting it out, unlock, pop boot and pull it out no need to squeeze down it, and if you get a good size container you can fit 2 cars in! plenty round my way!
  8. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/M22327-NISSAN-350Z-Z33-GT313-ROADSTER-08-FRONT-BUMPER-FOR-SLIGHT-REFURB-/301919018039?fits=Model%3A350+Z+Roadster&hash=item464bc69c37:g:OOAAAOSwgApXCPam
  9. One breaking in your colour: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/M22326-NISSAN-350Z-Z33-GT313-ROADSTER-08-FRONT-BUMPER-BAR-/351698009201?fits=Model%3A350+Z+Roadster&hash=item51e2d5bc71:g:IhQAAOSwAvJXCPaZ
  10. Mildly damaged one, but you will need it spraying anyway so get it repaired at the same time? £80 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350Z-FRONT-BUMPER-2005-TO-2010-GENUINE-NISSAN-PART-A8-/301910790749?hash=item464b49125d:g:V98AAOSwp5JWVC6R
  11. As said don't panic its an easy fix! I'll have a butchers about today see if I can find any parts for you.
  12. Thankyou Bradders. I will try my best to come to a few once I've got my zed, I work weekends which is a bummer as I guess most of your regular meets are during the weekends? Nah we usually do a thursday night blluewater meet! Mines currently off the road so havn't organised one in a while but should be back on the road this month! And will create a thread.
  13. Works on mine too! I got eurocarparts 3 piece exedy kit and driftworks flywheel. Hope that helps!
  14. Welcome to the forum! Hope you find a nice zed! And get yourself down to some meets!
  15. Seen it on fb, the guy has attempted it himself, i would offer less than he's asking considering the work it needs
  16. I've got brand new gates belts I bought but they don't fit my new lightennd pullies! Yours for £20 delivered. Cost me 26.
  17. No need, they will just use the pics with no reg lol, feel lucky they chose your zed must have stood out to them lol.
  18. I have 2 one is pink and black though lol. came with my order from Z1 motorsport!
  19. Well duhhh if i have a nismo hat, i will have nismo on my forehead when i wear it!
  20. Oh it was you that asked lol! Sorry i forgot to get pics, will get some wednesday night when im next at the garage as its hanging from my roof!
  21. Thought you'd vanished off the face of the earth!! Cars looking nice mike!
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