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Everything posted by -Bradders-

  1. Dont knock it til you tried it!! awesome phone!
  2. Had a look and the Elephone p9000 is now out! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5-5-Elephone-P9000-4GB-32GB-Android-6-0-Octa-Core-4G-LTE-Mobile-Smartphone-13MP-/191837553211?hash=item2caa68c23b:g:UEQAAOSwZtJW-iw6 Check out reviews etc and youtube vids, great phones! I've got the p7000, the p8000 was a flop but this is suppose to be brilliant.
  3. I've always just spread about lol chest Monday arms Tuesday legs Wednesday shoulders Thur and back on Friday rest all weekend lol
  4. I'll happily give you a tenner plus my zed for the gtr haha! Welcome back!
  5. One plus 2 is awesome. I currently have an elephone p7000. 13mp camera great speed works fine and was £150 last year!
  6. I thought it was only my wife who did that!!! Totally addicted to chocolate! lol but have stopped, although i had a belgian waffle yesterday in westfields at lunch with bananas nuts cream and milk chocolate on but thats my first cheat in 2 weeks! Chocolates ny weakness too. I could easily eat a bar of Cadburys a day, just limit myself to the one on Saturday's Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk 1 a day? Try 2-3 with ease. Big size ones too lol
  7. what spoiler is that and where can i get one!! :O
  8. personally i think its ok to have a nismo badge when you have a nismo car lol. Its like wearing a pair of primark trainers and using a felt tip to colour a nike tick.
  9. I thought it was only my wife who did that!!! Totally addicted to chocolate! lol but have stopped, although i had a belgian waffle yesterday in westfields at lunch with bananas nuts cream and milk chocolate on but thats my first cheat in 2 weeks!
  10. Lost 4.5kg in 8 days! mostly because i've stopped drinking 1l of chocolate milk a day and cut out the 3-4 chocolate bars i used to eat lol!! Now weighing in at 87.9 down from 93 couple weeks ago! Trying to cut but feel like im gonna lose a lot of muscle too!
  11. Just needs plumbing in, fluids topping and new belts which have been ordered! had to go for random sizes due to the smaller pullies!
  12. Small update, engines connected to the gearbox, which just so happens to be bolted in the car!!!! ITS IN!! lol
  13. Apparently a breather gets blocked or something or an oil feed or something? Then it starves the bottom end of oil and bang.
  14. What so bad you bought it twice? Bought the second one as spares because the first one went pop, ended up keeping the spares one as it was better than the one i had lol! then that one went pop too!
  15. What so bad you bought it twice? Really?!? I've personally had 2 Mk2s, a Turbo and UK NA, both were absolutely great cars. We've (dad, brother & I) also had 2 more Turbos we used for track days, also great cars. What was wrong with yours? Both had the oil block issue, both went bang, one tried to kill me lol, stupid rubber gromit on the throttle cable came lose and wedged the throttle on full when changing into 2nd in the wet, ended up doing a 360 into the centre reservation Just 2 bad examples i suppose. both NA too.
  16. Mk2 mr2. Had 2. Never again both terrible!
  17. Saw this today in the flesh I was scared to go near the wheels lol they looked amazing.
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