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Everything posted by -Bradders-

  1. I'll get a better look at it tomorrow
  2. I got my old bonnet I can sell you cheap if your Local enough? Its kuro black but probably in worse condition lmao nah its got some stone chips I think.
  3. We need to expand the local one. The main one is too much lol
  4. Just a heads up sounds silly but make sure you are undoing not tightening I made that mistake and snapped the bolt lol
  5. Wait so we go a jaykay who's local and now a Kay jay lol!!
  6. Couple niggles. Need to bleed coolant can't get hot air. Flush engine out again after left to idle for a bit. Put front bumper back on and get MOT.
  7. Nothing major to update. Only the fact that its running!! Lol
  8. -Bradders-

    JDL Brakes

    Mtec are a dealer on here might have got the discs for less through them!
  9. Still got mine if you want it? Looks reasonable condition other than being welded together mid pipe and back box.
  10. How much was the standard knob if you don't mind me asking
  11. One in knutsford might have been Richard? Got him on fb dunno if on here lol
  12. Hate that place!! If you see my crash thread lol they tried saying the person I crashed into needed 3500 worth of work done on the car when all my car needed was a front bumper lol! Carbody in Banbury I mean lol
  13. Bargain for anyone looking to upgrade from JDM!
  14. Was actually all done and finished 2 months ago. Just dragging out for entertainment lol.. I wished
  15. couple better pics, loom done, plastics on, just front end and fluids to go.
  16. I had my s2 for 5 years, never had an issue, i found that a new charger seemed to fit the hole better though now and again.
  17. Nice spot, god knows what they thought you wanted with all of them they know people will buy to sell. thats why they limiting them, someone on fb has stuck them on ebay at £30 a set and has sold 2 already! halfords do them for £25 lol.
  18. Not so much ebay, but if anyone has a local morrisons, they are selling the demon shine gift sets with 8 items in for just £5 and they are the full 1l sprays and foams not just small ones. i've managed to get 26 so far, already sold 6 at a tenner a set lol! https://groceries.mo...aning_SHELFVIEW 20 per person, but i went with my old man so he got some too! *note, out of stock online but my local in stratford still had about 4 pallets.
  19. I had an S2 from the day it came out until last september when i smashed the screen lol. was gutted! then moved to the elephone!
  20. for the last 6-8 months, i've not taken any supps. no vits or anything at all! i think thats whats stopping me getting bigger!
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