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Everything posted by -Bradders-

  1. Yeah im confused. its only got 65k on the clock too, but he seems to think it's deffinately an import?! im still waiting more pics!
  2. he wants 5850, is that reasonable? Im also baffled as i didnt think Imports came with the GT pack? it has full brembo's cruise control etc..
  3. LOL! i'm starting to think the guy who owns the car is starting to not believe me, he started getting a little bitey now saying things like i wanna see the money before taking you out in it etc.. he thinks im paying all that petrol and time to go joy ride in a car 160 miles away haha! He has still only sent me 4 pictures of the car though. i start feeling a bit put off that he starts demanding i have the cash etc.. no way im going up on my own now lol.. Dw i'll get an update for you all once i've collected it!
  4. Can anyone help me, i work in IT so i should know how to fix this but its killing me here lol. I'm building a macbook Pro for a user (brand new) i've set it all up fine but the user wants Bootcamp with win7 64 bit. which i have followed everything to get it going, i can now get as far as the windows language select to install but the mouse and keyboard will not pick up, i installed the support for windows but still nothing :/ i'm baffed, i've searched loads about it and all i get is issues once its installed. Thanks in advance!
  5. I couldnt go and get it lol! sorry people! going on saturday! i was relying on my cousin to collect his rebuilf mk3 golf from BGK in leeds and i was gonna travel up with him and stop at doncaster on the way home! and unfortunately he couldnt go yesterday but he's collecting it today, but im at work, he's going to drive me up there as the golf needs running in anyway! (fresh rebuilt S3 lump forged etc.. in a mk3 golf!) Sorry for the dissapointment.
  6. As i said ive got the money now anyway lol
  7. As i said ive got the money now anyway lol
  8. Santander said i have to order the cash in if its more than 2k? Its a small branch lol. Its fine i got it now anyway. We'll see what happens monday!
  9. gonna have to put a deposit down and collect it next weekend, why is it so hard to get more than 2k out of a bank lol. cant do it within a week :/ need to order it lol
  10. why? im just keeping you all waiting? i looks nice, i want it lol. i'll get it then i'll reveal it and you can all have your say!
  11. i was tight and didnt do a full hpi just one that shows if its been stolen or written off no other info. totalcarcheck lol
  12. i did it with reg number but its got a private plate lol woman said it came up as a peguot 307 tdi lol.. but when i done hpi it came back a 350z. I have no idea, i'm just gonna bite the bullet and buy it anyway.
  13. **** it im getting it anyway, i reckon its a uk model and they guy just dont know? its got uk plates, uk bumpers, cruise control i reckon it is just a gt with some bolted on extras!
  14. got quote £150 extra for the last one i looked at, same spec but a uk model
  15. lolol its taken me 7 months just to save for the 350! 600 for 4 months insurance when i pay 500 a year lol! no way
  16. a nice ek9 vti will be awesome for track or a eg6.
  17. I just sold my boosted one! was running 296bhp! quicker than a zed but i much prefer the comfort of a zed hence selling it to buy one lol.
  18. I think we should all start crying... i just called insurance... its group 48/50... im 24.. i pay £500 a year now.. i got 4 months left on my policy... they want an extra 600 to insure it!!! i need to get a deffo on the uk or import!
  19. Heres another angle just to tease you all alittle more!
  20. Probably that ^ but like i said its the one i want with the extras i want lol.
  21. Also it dont look like any of the pics posted, its got standard UK bumpers on it, and uk plates, but nismo skirts... maybe its had parts sold on?
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