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Everything posted by -Bradders-

  1. I'd say mines my daily too buy i rarely drive during the week as i use public transport to get to and from work!
  2. I often just go out on a sunday evening and will drive about 50-100 miles just for the sake of it!
  3. Have you sorted the clutch Bradders, Check my project, nope.
  4. Another update, Been bothering me since i got the car and that is the engine bay looked like dog @*!#, allow me to show you: So i got cracking with some meguirs engine bay dress up stuff lol 2 stage stuff, started taking the airbox/pipes and strut off to clean that up to considering i've never worked on a zed bay before it was pretty easy to dismantle: Hour and a half later with a micro fibre and a tooth brush: And for a comparison: Heres how she stands: I'm going to do the clutch tomorrow night and an oil/filter change too so i can actually take it for a proper blast at last! I think over the weekend i may remove the plenum and give it a good polish with the grinder and wire attachment! then possible spray it heat matte black! Thought opinions comments welcome
  5. He said he's sign up thursday so i guess we can expect him today lol!?
  6. I got mine for 5k! but then the miles are high and the clutch went lol.
  7. If you ebay them on an auction, not a buy it now, they normally fetch about £75-100. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121335782857?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  8. Nice looking zed dude! Welcome to the site!
  9. I'll find out for you guys, which track and the guy said maximum 28/30!
  10. Welcome! take your time finding the right one, i took several months, the perfect one popped up, days before buying it, turns out it was a write off.. then i jumped on the one i currently have and the clutch went on the way home haha so never rush things!
  11. Yep Brands hatch. Sounds awesome to me! 18th of august is good too!
  12. I've got a reply of Brand on the 18th of august, £5,100 for an exclusive track session, if theres 30 of us, thats £170 each? which isn't too bad! The guy said he will sign up to the site after thursday as he's mega snowed under at the moment. so he can explain more i suppose.
  13. Mate I don't normally get peed off but you are managing to do that! You were wrong and implicitly suggesting I want to fleece someone without taking due diligence to verify your sources and you have the guts to tell me not to get irritated with your backhanded apology? You are an imbecile! Would that be an overreaction from my part? Mods can you clean the thrash of my FS post! Thanks. I didn't think of it like that at all. Like i said i was sorry. it wasnt no backhanded apology, it was a correct me if i'm wrong which several people did. as above a simple, yeah thats a fake one and mines genuine would have sufficed. As for being called an imbecile well.. what can i say? your welcome?.
  14. Quite. Much less stressy to say, 'no they are not original but mine is'. BTW, It's interesting but I can't see the picture at work and don't know what BNIB means . I can see they are available for £20 new so presume yours is new? wow, lol. and BNIB means brand new in box.
  15. That would look awesome too! bright white LED DRL's
  16. and the OP dont own the car anymore i dooo lol
  17. Im guessing it will be any of these: http://www.msvtrackdays.com/car-home/circuits.aspx
  18. After seeing your pics, i kinda fancy a BGW on my zed
  19. We can do that mine was just a suggestion, if you'd seen my reply, the guy who works for MSV said if we can get 30+ we can have a Z exclusive track event. so it would be just the Zed's on the track.
  20. Looks great dude! Similar mods to what i have planned, i think a nice set of clear front reflectors would set yours off too!
  21. No need to get your knickers in a twist. like i said, sorry if i was wrong.
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