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Everything posted by -Bradders-

  1. https://www.facebook.com/groups/709562912393640/913060325377230/?notif_t=like
  2. Posted it on splitter scuffers.. oh dear oh dear lmao! the owners been tagged, 200 other of his mates have joined in and now they're ripping into me lmao!!
  3. I emailed him saying a hpi came back as a write off why dont you say that in the listing? im also posting it on splitter scuffers on fb and they will probably bid it up to over a million quid lol...
  4. Cheers all! Tonights the night lol. Oh i bought a new thrust bearing too as thats what was making the noise, the slight damage we caused on it, caused it to touch inside and it went that awesome exhaust tip burnt colour lmao! so theres a new one of them in there too!
  5. Yeah tomorrow night. The moment of truth!
  6. Why don't we have some rules where only people interested to buy can comment on the for sale threads? What's the reason to comment like that if you're not actually looking to buy, don't you have anything better to do? Go on YouPorn for instance... It might help you calm down a bit... Guess he's lucky this isn't a for sale thread then I guess that there should also be a rule about offering support to people following a successful sale too, stops people claiming something works perfectly when it's been bodged... Sales of goods act or something like that... As for the actual kit, its worth what is it worth. Regardless of how much he originally paid for it, i think most people would sell something for what is it worth, rather than what you paid for it, especially as he has sourced and provided a few extra bits so it is ready to go. Dont really see what the issue is to be honest. If a buyer is willing to pay X for something, who gives a monkeys about the rest of the alphabet. It feels a bit underhanded to me, personally I wouldn't buy something cheap that the forum was interested in and then sell it back to them for a lot more money. Who does 3sjr think he is? Tradelink? :lol:
  7. I'd always take a crack at it myself, i used to do audio installation on weekends! done loads of builds but i heard the bose system can be a bit tricky! There's probably a guide on the site somewhere!
  8. i know someone looking for an exhaust
  9. You selling your cobra? lol
  10. yeah right haha i wish! thats one of the stop off points from london to brighton run this year!
  11. Just found a pic of dads on jag page! he's is the old english white one!
  12. Lets take a crack at it next weekend and go from there lol
  13. Del sol was a targa top lol! and yeah its an awesome colour!
  14. Can you see it? http://www.theladbible.com/videos/stealing-peoples-petrol-prank
  15. My dad own's an etype, lovely cars! he wants to sell it for an AC Cobra though! Dads e type with my old del slow in the background!
  16. Can i not just drive like i normally would lol? i dont really boot it anyway, i just assumed no launching and or ragging the @*!# out of it would suffice lol
  17. I've seen lots of different things about the bedding in, whats the best way?
  18. HA yeah got the bolts now too, just to put it all together now, tomorrow night it should be done! and i dont get that picture? what happened there?
  19. Would love to have money to throw like this! great job your doing there dude!
  20. Ta dahh... Told you im good, 2 hours of seriously precise drilling my dad did one, i done one, so well done i didnt even need to retap the holes, the bolts went straight in. this time you can see the small X where i lined up the dowell lol! just waiting for nissan to get me 3 new bolts. should all be back up and running tomorrow! will be done in no time! now i know how it all works, i could have one in and out in 2 hours easy! Thanks to those who believed in me lol.
  21. I was in two minds when you mentioned it yesterday! looks epic dude!
  22. and checking my bank balance... lol
  23. I'm not that bad at this kind of thing, lol i've never had troubles like this in the past, done previous clutches fine! mind you, never touched the flywheel before haha!
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