Why don't we have some rules where only people interested to buy can comment on the for sale threads? What's the reason to comment like that if you're not actually looking to buy, don't you have anything better to do? Go on YouPorn for instance... It might help you calm down a bit...
Guess he's lucky this isn't a for sale thread then
I guess that there should also be a rule about offering support to people following a successful sale too, stops people claiming something works perfectly when it's been bodged...
Sales of goods act or something like that...
As for the actual kit, its worth what is it worth. Regardless of how much he originally paid for it, i think most people would sell something for what is it worth, rather than what you paid for it, especially as he has sourced and provided a few extra bits so it is ready to go. Dont really see what the issue is to be honest. If a buyer is willing to pay X for something, who gives a monkeys about the rest of the alphabet.
It feels a bit underhanded to me, personally I wouldn't buy something cheap that the forum was interested in and then sell it back to them for a lot more money. Who does 3sjr think he is? Tradelink?