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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Under the glove box? Found this when fitting the phone kit. Glove box???? Glove box is behind the pax seat Oh, that is so odd I did find a pair of leather driving gloves in there when I bought the car......370Ad Ding Dong
  2. Looks like Monaco is going to be dry with a 15 - 20% chance of rain but with more clouds than Saturday. I think this race could be a defining moment between Nico and Lewis and the rest of the championship.
  3. Go Nico although I would like to see either Dan R or Dan K win. Not going to happen but you never know. Before anyone jumps to any conclusions, I am not a Red Bull fan, I just like both these drivers and would like a non Merc driver to win a race
  4. See Japfest is a good example ~ the problem with it as I see it is that there is a large audience of people there who are watching the drivers. This seems to make some people act like complete tools especially those that like to think of themselves as being in a race as appose to being on a track day. I'd never go on track at Japfest unless it was part of some Zed only laps with members of this forum who I know and trust to respect each others space & driving lines not to mention cars. Yep, this is the same for me.
  5. That's part of the problem with track days some of the time imo. I remember being on Castle Combe once back when I was tracking a Corsa Sport I owned and used as my daily driver. There was this guy in an 80's Audi that barely looked like it could pass it's MOT. This guy was driving around the circuit like an absolute be**end most likely because he didn't care about his car. His track etiquette was terrible and he tried out breaking me into a few corners before eventually he lost it at the Esses and went side ways across the grass almost T-boning another car as he tried to regain control. So often I see people (not saying you or Ekona) that turn up at circuits in their cheap track day sheds thinking they are race drivers who then proceed to drive that car as hard as they can often resulting in them running out of talent and losing control. Sometimes they get lucky and it's just a spin but other times it results in damage to their cars or themselves and occasionally innocent parties. Yes this is a good point and I have heard similar horror stories. I like sticking to a club and have only ever been part of Lotus and Hondas on track with MG and Mazdas on track also attending. Like minded drivers who respect your cars and others. The only other organiser I think I would consider is MSV as they seem to be very well organised.
  6. As for risking your own car, this has crossed my mind and I really didn't like the idea of taking my £5k Civic Type R on track. The issue I had was, a. I couldn't afford to replace it if something did go wrong and it got smashed up. b. Because I was conscious of the value of the car, I couldn't fully relax and enjoy the day. c. It was also my daily and I would had an issue getting to work if it got damaged. So instead I bought a MK1 MX5 Eunos for £600 which I must say is a blast. I will get an Civic Type R again in a year or twos time but I have set a budget of £2k. For me the risk of damaging my daily was too great.
  7. This is the view from from friends DC2 last year at the same corner. He took a slightly different line than normal and it spat him out. I was going to go out with him in this session but decided to go out in my own car thankfully.
  8. I got some of this and on our old Clio it worked a treat. However, on our Scooby it made no difference. I spent an hour on one headlight and it did nothing. Even tried the toothpaste method after and still no difference. Any other tips or is it a case of new headlights?
  9. Mostly play Rfactor 2, IRacing and Battlefield 3/4
  10. WhackyWill, that looks great. Only a few days a go I was thinking it would be brilliant to see 90's touring cars again, especially cars like Thompson's Honda Accord, Plato's Renault Laguna as well as Mondao's, Primera's etc. Thanks for posting
  11. Also agree 100%. Dangerous driving carries a potential for a 2 year imprisonment where drink driving only 6 months in very extreme circumstance. Both offence in this case goes hand in hand with the more serious being dangerous driving by virtue of being drunk. If someone is drunk walking down the street and swinging a baseball bat around as a crowd approaches and some police get in the way and get hit its a jail term. Why do the courts just not recognise the seriousness of drink driving? As far as I am concerned the woman in question is on a charge of attempted manslaughter minimum. If she couldn't even stop when she saw a set of headlights heading towards her she was clearly a massive danger to the public and chose to take that action. She is a pathetic and worthless piece of crap that should be chucked into the slammer and be taught a SERIOUS lesson, none of this 'oh you can't drive for a couple of years' nonsense. 100% agree with you coldel. Really don't know know how Britain's justice system came to being so f**ked up with regards to sentencing people for their crimes.
  12. Been to this a few years back and loved it. I can't make this weekend but I hope you all have a great time.
  13. I feel stupid for laughing at that but I liked it
  14. You know what they say - If you don't look back at your car when you've parked up, then you have the wrong car! HAHA I like that I tend to do that also.
  15. What did you call me? Least it wasn't Kamikazekatz1 I know, was horrible hearing the crash.... I know, all that talk about Sushi and toll roads, I feel positively Japanese today
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