Oh I can add some bike ones.
When doing an aerial on a half pipe, make sure that your three piece crank is fully tightened, other wise, as you rotate mid air, it falls out, leaving you about 12 feet in the air with nothing to put your feet on ensuring that when you land, it really will hurt, which it did
Also, despite being in a BMX freestyle team, don't think you can do the stunts in the evening when totally pi**ed out of your head on special brew as you can when sober as I can promise you that you can't and it results in going over the handle bars and feeling some pain and seeing your own blood
Special Brew
I was young, it was all the range, got you pi**ed the quickest and the easiest to buy when I was 13
Not SA Cidre then
Bloody country bumpkin with your Cider and inbreeding Shouldn't you be working or at least pretend to be working