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Posts posted by Linus27

  1. Mr Twobears is in Madrid so I went swimming this morning and the sheer mindless ploughing up and down the pool got me thinking about things I want to do so I've been naughty and spent some money on fun stuff. I have no willpower :blush:


    On Thursday I've booked a lesson at Bisley and a week on Saturday I've booked a hotel near Leeds Castle so we can both have a day out at the castle and, even better, go round the grounds on Segways :teeth: Oh, and I ordered a skeet vest too because it was a bargain :lol: I hope Mr Twobears doesn't confiscate my credit cards when he gets home :wacko:


    What's everyone else looking forward to?


    I got married at Leeds Castle. Decided to do it in the Gunnery as it was much nicer than the Castle and has suits or armour, swords, shields etc. Seemed more medieval and fitting :)

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  2. Yep, that was me, all the way from Hartley Whitney, up the duel carriage, past Blackbush, past the Ely, down the dual carriageway which is where she went left and I went right. I got past on the final dual carriageway, but she then out braked me for the roundabout. I was quite impressed as not expecting it so give her the thumbs up from me :)


    It certainly was fun. Has it had any mods done to it? I noticed it had black wheels.

  3. Sheep in 3rd lane of motorway all following each other and not moving over into 1st or 2nd lane which is clear.


    I's not the sheep behind that are the problem, undertaking is illegal so technically if they wish to go faster than the car in front then they have no choice. It's the muppet in front who annoys me, there's 10 cars behind you and nobody to the left for 2 miles... get the hint!


    True to a point. It is not illegal to undertake, it's only illegal if you change lanes immediately after passing. If you lane is moving faster than the lane to the left then it's legal to pass. So if all the sheep are hogging lane 3 then you are perfectly in your right to pass them in lane 1 and 2.

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  4. People who drive with their front fogs on all the time when it's not foggy.


    People who straight line roundabouts, so car in left lane cuts across the lane or car who is in the right lane turning right.


    People who get in the right turn only lane to then go straight on as they can't be bothered to wait in line in the correct lane.


    Middle lane morons obviously :)


    Sheep in 3rd lane of motorway all following each other and not moving over into 1st or 2nd lane which is clear.


    People who pull out of a junction in front of you and don't get up to speed causing you to slow down drastically.


    People who turn into a junction but then stop leaving half their arse hanging out even if their road ahead is clear.


    Don't even get me started on bad parking :)

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  5. I hope that doesn't happen - 10 wins against 4, and Hamilton is only leading by a measly 4 points?!?!?


    what would be better is if drivers have their 3 worst finishes of the season removed, that way a few mechanical problems causing a non finish wouldn't matter, but at the moment if lewis gets unlucky and has a mechanical in abu dhabi, he'll lose the championship.


    consistency conshmistency, winning a race is whats important - I think its a little tedious when driver whos leading the championship through consistency plays it safe in the final few races knowing he just has to finish in the points.


    I take on board what you say, but then when there is so much at stake it is not surprising that to win the championship many will play the long game to get the necessary bag of points, even if that means going for the win is secondary.


    And lets face it, it is only because Mercedes have the best package that Hamilton/Rosberg are where they are - look at Red Bull; Brawn; Ferrari, MaClaren before them - it is so much about the cars making the drivers look good rather than the drivers themselves, with Vettel being the latest casualty of not having the right technology under him. For me the 'star' this year has been Alonso, who has got results for Ferrari that many had not predicted and in the process has made Raikkonen look 'ordinary'.


    Being an Alonso fan, I would say that Alonso for the last few years has flattered a very average Ferrari. In fact he did that with Renault also. Yes Alonso has been the star this year but for me, the bigger star has been Ricciardo. His driving has been inteligent and he has also shown great speed and aggression. In terms of driving style, he seems to be very similar to Alonso and I can see being a future world champion giving the right machinery and luck.

  6. I wasn't preaching and I am sorry for your losses, but simply pointing out that if it takes a gimmick or a challenge to raise so much money for a charity and people feel compelled to join in, then it's clearly a good thing and a bit of fun. Judging by the amount they have raised in this campaign, then people have clearly been donating. If however some wish to simply donate, then this is equally admirable. There is no right or wrong way in my book. All my friends that I know who have taken part have followed up with the donate by texting a £5. My wife who won't do this as she doesn't want to make a fool of herself does do race for life a few times a year and has dragged her friends, aunts, mum etc to join in and have raised a nice chunk of money on their just giving pages.

  7. I think if your sick of this, then you need to look at your priorities a bit if it's bugging you so much as I am sure there are many who are grateful to those who are chucking water over themselves and donating their fiver.


    I am with Daveyboy on this, my whole news feed on fb is filled with people chucking water over themselves, all in the name of charity, yeah right, all in the name of being an attention seeker and feeling peer pressure because you have been nominated.


    Its great marketing and superb its earning money for charity and even awareness, i dont have to do this to donate money to charity though, which is where it will end for 99.9% of the people that do this.


    Suddenly the worlds got a conscience and smugness that they have joined in, just donate monthly to a charity if you feel so strongly!!!!!


    As I have already said, in one day, the charity has raised one sixth of what they would raise in an entire year. If it is attention seeking then it's clearly working for the right reasons and shows your 99.9% figure of people not donating is a little out :)


    I don't think the world has suddenly got a conscience, look at how popular race for life is, red nose day as well as the thousands of other events that happen day in day out to raise money. This is such a simple thing that pretty much everyone can contribute to it. I'm sure it will die down soon and your Facebook page will return to normality soon enough.


    I said 99.9% of the people who did the challenge wont donate until the next "challenge", you shouldnt need a challenge to donate, just donate regularly, its really easy ;)


    Where are you getting this figure of 99.9% from. What is your source of information?


    Cancer Research which includes Race For Life which is a challenge raised £537 million last year. Do you honestly think they would earn as much if they dropped the Race For Life challenge and just relied on people donating off their backs?


    Comic Relief which includes Red Nose Day has all manner of challenges and events that people do to raise money, throughout the year as well as on Red Nose Day. They even have a TV show on the day highlighting all the various challenges people are doing. They raised £610 million last year. You think they should drop this also.


    Help for Heroes has raised £121 million, a lot of this is from challenges (bike rides, rugby matches, Motorsport etc) and other special events. Shall we just drop those and stick with the car window stickers and keep our fingers crossed.


    Sorry but people like to feel involved and contribute. Things like this challenge, reward and change peoples lives giving them some purpose. Sponsoring a group of disabled kids to do an activity, sponsor someone to cycle across Britain with no arms or sight, swim the English Channel etc. Its all good as is the person who simply dips their hand in their pocket. To complain that it's upsetting their Facebook page is a bit cheap really.

  8. I think if your sick of this, then you need to look at your priorities a bit if it's bugging you so much as I am sure there are many who are grateful to those who are chucking water over themselves and donating their fiver.


    I am with Daveyboy on this, my whole news feed on fb is filled with people chucking water over themselves, all in the name of charity, yeah right, all in the name of being an attention seeker and feeling peer pressure because you have been nominated.


    Its great marketing and superb its earning money for charity and even awareness, i dont have to do this to donate money to charity though, which is where it will end for 99.9% of the people that do this.


    Suddenly the worlds got a conscience and smugness that they have joined in, just donate monthly to a charity if you feel so strongly!!!!!


    As I have already said, in one day, the charity has raised one sixth of what they would raise in an entire year. If it is attention seeking then it's clearly working for the right reasons and shows your 99.9% figure of people not donating is a little out :)


    I don't think the world has suddenly got a conscience, look at how popular race for life is, red nose day as well as the thousands of other events that happen day in day out to raise money. This is such a simple thing that pretty much everyone can contribute to it. I'm sure it will die down soon and your Facebook page will return to normality soon enough.

  9. But the reason for the water throwing was to create awareness. Now everyone knows about it, there's no point and you might as well just donate the money, if you feel compelled to.


    I've been nominated twice now. Thankfully, no-one has followed up on the nomination.


    Does everyone know about it though? I only found out this two weeks a go and my sisters at the weekend. Not everyone spends all day on Facebook.


    The reason for the water is not awareness, it's part of the rules. Throw water over your head and donate £5 or don't and donate £100. It's a forfeit. The awareness has worked as the charity has raised in one day, one sixth of what they raise in the whole of 2013. Surely that's a good thing and if people are going to make fools of themselves for 30 seconds to raise money for a good cause then I can't really see any reason to complain.

  10. I'm sick of this fad, people are doing it for their own selfish gains to get likes on their videos and what not. I realise it's for the good of a charity but I'm bored to tears, the awareness of it has been raised now so no need for it to go on endlessly. This started in July...


    Rant over.


    I only found out about this a couple of weeks ago, partly because I don't spend my life on Facebook or the internet. I was nominated by a friend who lives in another country who I no longer see so very grateful for the contact I have with him and for him to consider me. Chucking a bucket of water over my head to raise awareness and money for this charity or any charity for that matter is the least I can do to help those less fortunate. I am not capable of swimming the English Channel, climb a mountain, or sponsor me to run a marathon and there is no way you will push me out of a plane for love or money. At least this is something I can do, even if it is small in comparison to what some people do to raise money. So I did it, donated my fiver and hope it's helped someone less fortunate than me. I think if your sick of this, then you need to look at your priorities a bit if it's bugging you so much as I am sure there are many who are grateful to those who are chucking water over themselves and donating their fiver.

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