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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. The outside looks ghastly. I know Renault have done a lot of these F1 specials and even Honda did a Jordan F1 special but on those sorts of cars it kind of works. It was also a bit more subtle. On the Merc, to me it's just doesn't work, it's in your face and I wonder what market or age group it's aimed at.
  2. Hehe can I make up for it by saying that I then had my hair like the singer from New Order after seeing them on Top of the Pops singing True Faith Glad you like the songs though, means a lot to me 😎
  3. Yeah, it was amazing, a dream come true and certainly life changing. HAHA no problem naming the band, we were not big The band was called Inter but I would say we were not well known in the grand scene of things. We were part of the Brit Pop scene or post Brit pop scene with bands like Symposium, A, Midget, Bennet, Jocasta etc. Probably the worst time to be in a band as the record companies had no money due to all the piracy. Still, lots of TV, radio, NME, two John Peel sessions, festivals, live XFM and Virgin sessions, song used in an advert to advertise Casio watches and Q gave us 4 out of 5 saying we were a mix of Radiohead and Ash I still get spotted occasionally, last time was in the queue at a post office collecting a parcel Anyway, here is all the info on us if you fancy a read. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter_(band) Yeah, it was a smart move but he was a top producer so knew his stuff. A guy called Mark Wallis who did the Travis stuff as well as REM, U2, Talking Heads, The Primitives, The Smiths, The Levellers etc. I tell you what though, its bloody hard work. It's two extremes, on one hand you get all the fun of doing what you want to do but on the other hand, you get no time to stop and its easy to lose track of your own existence. Travelling to Liverpool for a gig, then Dundee, then Manchester, then London for a photo shoot, then an interview, then a radio show, then back on the road to Brighton, then Scotland again, week in week out. Considering, what you going to wear at the gig, what songs to play, what to say etc. and on top of that, managing a relationship with your best mates whilst being on the road and having to put up with each other. No wonder we all turned to drink I remember going to the shops for the first time after being locked in a studio for two months and being incredibly paranoid, thinking everyone's looking at you as you've not really seen many people or been in a crowded place for months. Very weird feeling Yeah, still doing music but not as much now. A few years a go I was in a band that went on tour supporting Paul Weller which was ok. We also recorded at his studio and he played some bits on a few songs. I also nearly joined New Model Army Did an electronic album with a friend and I'm just recording my own stuff at the moment. The music scene has changed so much from when I was doing it full time and I'm too old now to join an original band and enjoy it. Might consider some kind of function band as a fall back plan when retirement closes in
  4. I don't know if you found this but it was more the people around us that were doing the harder stuff. The band as such were a bit more controlled although the booze was still an issue at times. We were very hard working and focused so stayed pretty true to the music most of the time. We didn't really have much choice as the record company would kill us and we had too much riding on it. I must admit the first time I went on TV I was stoned off my face but the band covered it thankfully Our singer had a few personality issues (don't they all) and would be a total nightmare sometimes. Most of it was an act but some days it was just so counter productive and frustrating. When we went to record the album, the producer tricked us. We lived at the studio in Wales for three months and the very first day he asked us to just set up all the gear in the live room, do a quick test to get the mic's and lines ready and that's it, go to the pub and have the night off. So, we ended up getting very drunk with the locals, playing drinking games, getting in to fights, borrowing peoples bikes from their gardens, moving all the road signs and generally causing havoc across this poor sleepy Welsh village. We rolled in at about 3am and crashed to then get woken up by the producer to come to the studio and play through the entire album. It turned out he wanted us to get totally pi**ed so we would then play through the album very loud, very badly and not give a @*!# so he could get all the levels set rather than us being typical musicians and be overly critical and fussy on the songs sounding perfect. He never told us the reason until after but we were very drunk, very confused and I think naked judging by some of the photos Totally hilarious Still, I consider myself to be the luckiest person alive to have lived my dream. It was the best period of my life and I have the most amazing experiences. Going on tour was such a happy time for me, being free, going to new exciting places, meeting new exciting people and playing music. Nothing comes close to it. I still remember going to London to sign the record deal. The band were discussing the should we/should we not sign and we came to the conclusion why not, it could go wrong down the line but if we didn't sign, we would regret it for the rest of our lives and always be haunted with the what if. So we signed, went to the pub, bought the biggest cigars possible and got very drunk hahaha Typical musicians lol
  5. Yep, likewise got one last year for track day footage. Great piece of kit. I also use Harry's Lap Timer app on my IPhone.
  6. Yes, I only had 7 lessons with a driving instructor too. Although my dad didn't have multiple cars at his disposal he did let me drive his Hillman Minx on every opportunity, including driving us both to work every day, 30 miles there and back, driving down to Orpington in Kent and back a couple of times (no M6 back then), must have driven over 5,000 miles I reckon. The lessons were just to iron out my bad habits, like not using the mirrors, etc. Pete I used to go to a big surface car park and practise parking and reversing. The best car my dad came home in for that was a Citreon BX estate. It was huge so perfect for practising in
  7. Mazda 323 in white after 7 lessons. My dad had lots of cool cars at his disposal and would come home in a different one each night. Some nights it would be some cool cars so I would go out in them with him. Stuff like Alfa 33 Cloverleaf, BMW M3, MG Metro Turbo, XR3i's, Citreon BX GT Turbo
  8. Gutting it was never found. Dumped, burnt out or maybe stripped for parts.
  9. This is similar to me. We used to get a rider from the venues we played at as well as a £25 per diem from the record company when on tour. The thing is the venues used to feed us as well a lot of the time. We were not allowed to carry the £25 per diem over so we just spent it on booze, fags, mags and sweets Our tour bus was like an off licence most of the time When in the studio, we had our own chef so food was covered so again booze and fags. When the chef wasn't in, we would eat and drink at the local pub, again courtesy of the record company. None of us lot got involved in hard drugs, or not that I was aware but a lot around us were. You can see how easy it was to become addicted to it as well as many other things
  10. Brilliant. I can confirm he has well developed forearm muscles Ambidextrous also so both arms get a work out. I'm good with my hands Shoulda said you need to use both hands! I need three, one for the magnifying glass and 2 to find it! Well the hand print size of one is smaller and closer to a female hand size so if I close my eyes, I can pretend it's anyone Last week I was J-Lo and the week before that I was Michelle Jenneke
  11. Brilliant. I can confirm he has well developed forearm muscles Ambidextrous also so both arms get a work out. I'm good with my hands
  12. I agree with the everything in moderation. Ok, well maybe not the masterbation bit but my excuse is its good for the prostrate and if you don't keep it active, then that's when you get problems. An expert on prostrates told me that. So lots of masterbation, lots of tomatoes and limit the amount of dairy and red meat I've never found anything addictive. Could smoke and then just stop and drink and not feel the urge to keep drinking. Ive have period in life where everything revolves around drink and I've seen a lot of friends become obsessed with it and it's ruined things for them. They simply can't leave the house without at some point stopping for a drink. Ended up resenting them as they ruined and wasted so much. I don't drink much but enjoy the odd Guinness, some Jap beers and whisky. I tend to drink whisky to relax and help me sleep but it got to the point where I would be drinking a pints worth and nothing happening so I gave up that idea. Probably went back to wanking
  13. HAHAHA oh wow that's about the third person from SELOC I have met on here. Plus some Honda people I know also Good to see you and never knew you had a Zed. Just remembered, I was looking at your avatar on SELOC in the Mini Cooper S thread thinking, that's an interesting looking car I think the best place is the official forum. Due to the issues early on with the FF and controller settings, there's lots and lots of info and advice from other users. Just had a quick look and found this thread but there will be many others. http://forum.projectcarsgame.com/showthread.php?27338-Help-to-set-up-your-new-Thrustmaster-TX-(V50)&highlight=Thrustmaster Setups also, the best place is probably the official forum. To be honest, I don't do much to the cars apart from slow the steering rack down, add a bit of toe to kill the understeer, and maybe soften the bump and rebound if RWD. Getting your wheel setup is probably more important. I might have to start the time trials up again. They were great fun so you would be more than welcome. Hopefully someone can be danwebster although he is a real racing driver Let me know if you need a hand with anything.
  14. It's probably Meerrrk's other half. Used to see her a lot that way, even had a little race with her ðŸ˜
  15. Big sim racing fan here. Been doing it since the early 80's and won a few online leagues etc. Even raced against Montoya online at one point Started out with Revs on the BBC B (even had a wheel back then) and then moved on to Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix games. Things changed big time when GPL came out and spent many years racing for UKGPL. Then on to Rfactor 1, NASCAR 2003, GTR2, GP Legends. Now a days mostly AC, Dirt Rally, RF2, PCars and IRacing. AC reminds me very much the feeling I got when GPL came out. Very detailed physics and great how every car is feels different rather than having a generic physics engine covering every car. It has a nice choice of cars and I usually spend my time driving the Nissan GTR and Lotus Exige 240. I was also beta tester for the MX5 mod. RF2 for me is really hit and miss. Certain content is totally brilliant whereas others is poor. I love the historics but I mostly drive the 370z or Honda Civic BTCC around Sebring and Silverstone. Looking forward to the big rain update patch. PCars is brilliant as a racing experience but for me lacks the detail of the physics. Plus the car choice is so limited unless you like Audi, BMW or Merc I've been badgering SMS to give us Nissan but not holding out much hope. Lambo's coming though IRacing I hardly touch unless I'm practising for a track days. It's perfect for that but I'm not a big fan of the whole online thing only and no AI. It's also expensive, lacks the cars I like and does not do anything better than AC for me. I will still get the UK tracks when they come out as training tools. Dirt Rally is where a lot of my time is at the moment. I just totally love it. Driving the Scooby or Pug 306 is mind blowing. With each update, it just gets better and better. So can't wait for the Sweden add on. I'm a bit sad also as I tend to keep all the replays of my online league races and the stats and results for all my league races. I had to buy a separate external hard drive to store them on on lol
  16. No, I don't think so. The annoying thing is the tax can be different depending on when it was imported in. My 2001 DC5 is £285 but I know other people who only pay £220 or £245.
  17. You won't get a DC5 for £4k, not without something being seriously wrong with it, a scam or crazy miles. Even £5k will be pretty much impossible unless again the condition is poor, miles are high, something wrong or the seller is just desperate for money. Expect prices to start at around £6k for an early one (2001) and then climb. 2006 onwards is the facelift model and the prices shoot up after that.
  18. Definitely not, they're married now Oh dear! Sounds like Mrs Ekona needs to be introduced to the 'reward' system reward system ................. there's a reward system .................... I've been married 23 years and no-one told me anything about this ????? Ive never heard of this reward system either. I think I need to know what it is also
  19. I bet you secretly say adeeeeeedas too Porscheaaaaaaaaaah
  20. I can't see that happening. Everyone try's to avoid you at work so I am sure your blue blob would be no different
  21. Hahaha........What?! Noooooooooooo......Weirdo! Who are you? lol Did you really write the words "Scooby Poo"???? Really??? P.S. I've made an eyepatch for your White Teg, am nick naming it DangerMouse......you can be Penfold x Now don't go making me post a picture of Gal with a Zed just to prove it I'm afraid I did, it started after my sister called it the Scooby Poo and its sort of stuck. Bloody sisters What is it with you Compton lot. Sarah, Erica, Phoebe and Helena wanted to paint my car with black patches so it looks like a killer whale. Penfold would work though. I've already been called that by an old band I was in. They even did a picture for me x
  22. If I had a Zed, it would be called Gal or Gisele. Kraziekatz1 will get that My white DC5 is called The White Whale. My Subaru Impreza is called either Scooby, Scooby Doo or Scooby Poo and my blue Mk1 MX5 is called either The Smurf, Papa Smurf or Rose.
  23. I will say the DC5 is certainly capable to be a good daily. Just don't fall in to the trap of modding it much as you will lose that 20% of livability. Is livability an actual word??
  24. Did they test the Teg under cornfield conditions? Haha oh you will pay for that my dear You wait until I see you tomorrow you wink wink :)
  25. Actual quote just for clarity, "Back in issue 095, we brought together the 15 greatest front-drive cars of recent times. The Integra was the overall winner. As Meaden concluded, ‘It’s a car as sweet and all-consuming as any I’ve experienced at any price, and as pure and focused in its own way as any Porsche RS. Forget the accolade of greatest front-wheel-drive car. The Integra Type-R ranks as one of the truly great drivers’ cars of any kind.’"
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