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Everything posted by pjf1985

  1. Possibly interested pending pics. I want the front reflectors he sells!!
  2. Sexy! Just be careful not to scuff it like I did mine the other day
  3. Looks miles better now, even better when you've done the badge, nice job! Was it hard to do? Imagine doing the boot section around the window must have been difficult?
  4. Every time I see that spoiler I want it more! Looking good mate
  5. Haha had a good laugh at your post. Your car is looking good! Have a good day at Japfest, wish I could come
  6. Ive wrapped the handles with grey carbon fibre wrap It looks awesome!! Was it difficult to do? Might try it since I have some gloss black wrap at home
  7. Hi there and welcome along! Put up some pics!
  8. I like it but think I'd either wrap the spoiler or remove it ideally! Is it easy to remove does anyone know? I like the spoiler-less look!
  9. I know right! Only took just over an hour haha!
  10. That's a nice looking Hyundai but your Zed is on a whole new level, looks lovely! Loving your new wheels Have you plastidipped your door handles?
  11. SOLD! Please lock and close
  12. Hi mate and good luck in your hunt for the perfect Zed
  13. I really like that mate! Looks pretty smart, and different too
  14. I've just put one up for sale in the 350Z Parts For Sale section on here
  15. Welcome along! Post some pics of your ride when you get it!
  16. pjf1985

    My 350z

    Very nice indeed
  17. Make and receive calls from the controls on your steering wheel with this Bluetooth Adapter. Sits in the built in cradle in your cubby hole. Pair with your phone and will automatically connect to your phone as you get in the car! When you get a call the radio cuts out and you can speak hands free. Works fine, only reason for sale is that I have a Pioneer Headunit now with Bluetooth built in so no need to have both! £65.00 posted
  18. Wow that sounds pretty secure! Not too badly priced either, expected the prices to be a lot higher because of the security
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