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Everything posted by pjf1985

  1. There's another they're selling that is the same, its about £50 though so will go up I expect.
  2. This is awesome! I've been looking for one in Azure but not many about. Thinking of getting a model kit if not and paint it.
  3. This is definitely a key ingredient ^^ One other benefit of online dating is that you know what the other person wants before meeting them, whether it be friends, for dating or if they want a relationship from it. This certainly makes things easier. Plus you know by being on dating sites if they are single (at least they should be haha) whereas in real life its sometimes hard to tell if someone is worth chasing or not. issue with online sites is you can banishing them form your possibility with out even knowing them and then thats that its 100% about looks No it's not all about looks dude, not everyone thinks that way. Plus what one person finds unattractive could be the opposite to someone else, we're all different.
  4. This is definitely a key ingredient ^^ One other benefit of online dating is that you know what the other person wants before meeting them, whether it be friends, for dating or if they want a relationship from it. This certainly makes things easier. Plus you know by being on dating sites if they are single (at least they should be haha) whereas in real life its sometimes hard to tell if someone is worth chasing or not.
  5. That's really good I was the same, didn't want to use them but they're not all that bad. Actually recognised quite a few people I knew on there too who I wouldn't have expected to be on there lol. They might be a bit cringey but you get the chance to meet people you might not have the chance to meet in the real world.
  6. not thats fair enough, but you said it here in one, 'You can't change the behaviour of other people' if the girls of our generations wanna do as grundy said there nothing we can do about it Yes you can't change the behavior of some people but not everyone is the same. There's someone out there for everyone, you just got to find them!
  7. The Nissan Pulsar NISMO has just been revealed at the Paris Motor Show, looks pretty nice! More pics...http://www.autoexpre...show-pictures#0
  8. I met my current girlfriend online and we are very happy together and been together almost a year now. I met a few others from the same site (POF) and you do get some who aren't looking for the same things but I did meet a few nice ones. Keep at it and you'll fine a good one
  9. Happy birthday to all! Have a great day!
  10. Here's what hyper black looks like, more like a dark chrome kinda colour... http://varrstoen.com/news/varrstoen-es2-giancarlos-nissan-silvia-s15/
  11. Very very nice and looks miles better on the new rims Have to admit it doesn't look as pretty as the Zed yet but once you've done some mods I'm sure it will look even better!
  12. I like the first one not so much the second
  13. I imagine its just where the decats have been put in there is a small gap how they're connected. Maybe I need new gaskets.
  14. My exhaust is blowing a little since fitting decats too, will it cause any damage? Got me worried now i kind of get a hissing noise when I lift off.
  15. I haven't had mine up for about a month lol. Kept falling off the window so I just left it off after getting annoyed
  16. Lovely looking motor, love the colour! (almost Azure-like lol) Heard they are very good little cars, enjoy it mate
  17. Whenever I have a car I get hooked and am always looking to find out ways of making it better and so end up on a forum. I decided to join up here just before I got my Zed to see what I needed to know about the car before purchase and I knew I was going to spend a lot of time here once I had the car! Just love coming on here, checking people's experiences, views and goodies for sale lol. It is a VERY good community here and I always have a laugh when I visit and that's what makes me come back (almost every day).
  18. Happy Birthday guys! Have a great day
  19. Went in my local Toby a few weeks back and they even had the bloody tree up!!
  20. That would be good. As long as you get the same scale wheels/alloys then that'll work. You can get them on eBay as I've seen them before on there. I'm actually gonna look now lol. Just got to work out if the wheels on my model come/break off first
  21. Good to hear. Did the Zed get any presents too? Not really no, just a diecast model of himself that my sister gave me. They sent the wrong colour though (TWICE I might add!!!). So now I have 2 in rusty orange haha that she has to send back to get one in Azure Pretty cool and will be better when you get it in the correct colour for sure. You'll just need to change the alloys on it though, add a stubby, Nismo style lip and then it will be as cool as your real one. Definitely! I did actually say to my sister that I wonder if the wheels would come off as you can buy model versions of my wheels haha
  22. Good to hear. Did the Zed get any presents too? Not really no, just a diecast model of himself that my sister gave me. They sent the wrong colour though (TWICE I might add!!!). So now I have 2 in rusty orange haha that she has to send back to get one in Azure
  23. Waaaayyyy too early! It does seem to be earlier every year. They should atleast wait until like November at the earliest. I understand shops selling Christmas stock earlier but its stupid when people start decorating everywhere so early.
  24. BEAST!! Going to look awesome once you have your new V2 on!
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