I'd already played the earlier PC beta which wasn't very good, but I did expect to see some progress. I went in with low expectations anyway, and tbh just fancied playing something arcadey for a couple of hours on a Friday night that I knew would be limited in scope. What I got was something that I would never pay a single penny for.
Let me list the things I didn't like about the game:
The 370Z was as twitchy as an Elise on mixed tyres
The Mustang handled like an Elise from the factory i.e. understeer city
The Camaro handled like a boat. Not a metaphorical boat, but like an actual boat.
The first two cars are not mid-engined. They should not handle like one.
The graphics are poorly lit, poorly shadowed, and poorly coloured.
The streets are nigh-on empty of anything. You may see the odd person or a bin.
Traffic density is retarded.
NOS is useless, as you use it and all it does is spin the wheels up and leave you banging off the limiter. You go slower if you use it.
Hit a car square-on and you get a replay Burnout-style. The game then resets itself like you never had a crash and you're left with zero momentum, and as the screen goes back during this you lose your positioning.
All this time, the car you're chasing to takedown (and there's a few of these) is getting away. One crash and you'll NEVER catch them up, as no matter what car you have or they have, they're always MASSIVELY faster.
Tinniest engine sounds in a long time. They make GT sound lifelike.
Upgrading your car does nothing. Seriously, my 2011 'Stang went from lvl10 to lvl63, and it felt like the exact same car.
Pop up, pop up, pop up.
You get to drive a 4x4 Baha buggy-like Cayman. Sounds great, but it's uncontrollable as the steering feel is zip. Oh yeah, and you're supposed to takedown another vehicle whilst leaping over dunes in your uncontrollable car that will randomly spin as you land, meaning you'll never catch the guy up as per the above.
Detroit felt like Dagenham. Now, I've never been to Detroit, but I'm pretty sure it shouldn't make me think of Dagenham.
I could go on. I even tried making a Crew but either the system isn't on or it's broken to hell, and the matchmaking just timed out. This is honest to god the worst game I've played for many years. If this was demoed in this state to any other publisher, they'd tell you to get lost and stop wasting their time.
Do not pre-order. Do not be tempted to pick this up thinking it will be better by release. It won't. It's so horrendously broken, nothing short of starting again will save this.
LMAO best review ever. I'll give this game a miss then lol