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Everything posted by clockwize

  1. Ahh so I was going about it wrong, was trying to unbolt the airbag from the trim first, kind of wanted to not unplug or touch the airbag too much Will it be ok to unplug and reconnect without any Warning light? Do I need to disconnect battery To do it? Thanks for the info
  2. It's ok got one now from Sarahhp18 as she got 2 custom made and had a spare my main problem was nobody wanted to split the badge from the cover and I didn't want to pay £30 for it to take the badge only heh
  3. Hey guys, I'm trying to replace the passenger side dashboard trim, which is connected to the airbag. I've managed to get the trim loose but think I need to remove the 6 gold nuts that hold the airbag to the dashboard panel. I've managed to get 4 of them off, but the other 2 are very hard to get to and seem to be impossible to undo given the space restrictions.. Does anyone have experience with this? Do I need to unbolt and remove the stuff below the airbag module to get to those bolts and then put them all back after? Cheers
  4. Ok will give that a go, got my whole dashboard in pieces at the moment, so one thing at a time Cheers
  5. Hey, When I go above 70ish the passenger window seems to drop a tiny bit, enough to break the seal.. I close it and it'll do it again a minute later. Has anyone experienced this? It's doesnt sound quite the same as the other window dropping issues I've read about on here? Cheers
  6. Black is a blank canvas goes with most colours
  7. That looks good, does it go right in to the original slot? I need a neutral color to go on red strut cover!
  8. Thanks guys. Though I'm totally getting rid of the flock with Alfie's panels!
  9. Thanks, I wasn't sure where to put it as the wheels could in theory go on other cars..
  10. I edited the thread earlier, either before or didn't see your message 4mm on front and 2mm on back
  11. Hi there, Was wondering if you are able to source the Z badge that fits on to the rear strut brace cover? The one sadly absent from this picture
  12. looks really good man this is definitely somewhere on my list lol
  13. Hi there, Was wondering if you are able to source the Z badge that fits on to the rear strut brace cover? The one sadly absent from this picture
  14. Got around to replacing some of the flocked interior parts where it was all worn and faded, and sprayed the strut brace cover a crazy shade of red... What do you think? I'm missing the Z at the moment as its kind of broken anyone got one? hmm, looks like I didn't clip the left cover down properly.. damn!
  15. Still for sale, would happily do some packing so they can be shipped or whatever
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