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Everything posted by clockwize

  1. Confused, so were they the right way up in the photo and it was just the bracket?
  2. There should be a new thread, the engineering adventures of Clockwize Glad you got it sorted Continuing the adventure, I left the radio on all morning while I was working and battery is dead. Idiot
  3. Done, thanks for the help.. I tried it several ways but not that one :/
  4. Done, thanks for the help.. I tried it several ways but not that one :/
  5. Aha cheers been googling around but didn't find that! Many thanks!
  6. Hey guys trying to fit new struts but boot won't shut properly now lol Boot is staying open until I get a reply haha
  7. yeah, apply heat, any creases come out easily
  8. That looks good neo, I just bought 2 battery powered led strips on amazon as I have no power in my garage.. Will let you guys know how I get on
  9. How much for the large storage area door behind the passenger seat, including the hinge part? My hinge is broken one side and the other side is bent up as obviously had more pressure on it since..
  10. It's only the same value as two tanks of fuel though and will last you much longer. Good point mate, one tank coat me £95 yesterday 0.o
  11. Cheers I said about it because I couldn't find any in stock here and the price wasn't much different. thought if anyone else wanted one and didn't want to wait its a good alternative.
  12. Howdy I just got a Z and am not disappointed!
  13. That does look very nice bit steep for some door handles though!
  14. The traders on here were out of stock but £1 cheaper, I took the hit!
  15. I got a honda rdx one for £14 delivered from tegiwaimports website. Car had an ebay special which picked up basically nothing, this one picks up all stations crystal clear!
  16. I got 1M by 1M (its cheap as chips anyway). these things are pretty small when you lay them on it, haven't done the center console yet though, thats nowhere near 1m tall right?
  17. Wheel size makes no difference to traction control, so long as your tyre profiles are in range. I noticed these as there was a guy inquiring about them in the wanted section, doing a little digging though and even the 18's are heavier than rays, just over 21lbs. http://www.350z-tech..._Specifications I'd just never seen a Zed with different diameter front/rear wheels before? i know it's normal on Honda NSX's and Lambo's etc Yeah I thought it was a bit weird, but its "Track 18/19" v.2" on here, http://www.350z-tech.com/wiki/index.php?title=Wheel_Specifications#Track_18.2F19.22_v.2 looks like its not like hes fobbing me off with a franken-set
  18. Hrm, anyone know how much I'd get for my set of these: Little bit of curbing nothing major..
  19. not sure to be honest, 4d looks more 3d than the 3d one? Clear as mud?
  20. Can't work out if that's a compliment or not lol Yeah sorry ~ what I mean is it doesn't look as good as a dipped one would but it does look good for a wrapped one. ...and good job for trying it yourself. How much would it cost for dipping and how long does it last? If it chips as easy as spray paint not worth it I guess lol. At least carbon wrap is cheap and very resistant to damage. Yeah, dead easy to get it off, take your favourite trim removal tool (or an old credit card or something) and poke it underneath and push with a bit of force, they pop off.. there are guides on the forum. passenger side, you have to pop the trim off the passenger door handle and unbolt it, then pull it off, before you can get that one off. yeah, I got it from: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200952652329 though looking at it now, I ordered and paid for 4D black and it definitely looks more like the 3D one!
  21. Erm, the guy I bought it from left it in the center console.. Luckily he mentioned it as with all the things to consider, I'd forgotten about it Hopefully it's in the rear with my spare wheel, other wise I definitely don't have one My key broke, so I took it to a tyre place and they mullered it off, aparently Nissan use "McGuard" wheel nuts which have a fancy spinning collar to make them hard to come off. Yeah, well this spinning collar is no match for a grunt with a club hammer and a too small socket Hopefully the alloy didn't suffer >.<
  22. Erm, the guy I bought it from left it in the center console.. Luckily he mentioned it as with all the things to consider, I'd forgotten about it Hopefully it's in the rear with my spare wheel, other wise I definitely don't have one Kinda need that! Check and contact the previous owner if not..
  23. Erm, the guy I bought it from left it in the center console.. Luckily he mentioned it as with all the things to consider, I'd forgotten about it
  24. I'm collecting the wheels in Surrey, but the wheels definitely won't fit in my z so will be travelling up in my BMW or if sold my other halfs scenic (boo).. Would be cool to have picked them up in the z, come see you and play cars then drive back with new wheels
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