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About Kittykat1988

  • Birthday March 6

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Z Hopeful

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  1. This was on the A1 between Biggleswade and Stevenage 5 min ago
  2. Just spotted a 350z in Monster livery in a clear sided trailer. Who drives this Z?? There were two cars in the trailer, didn't see the model of the second, just caught a glimpse of both of them stickered up. Any one have any ideas?
  3. Hope you were rescued and it's nothing bad!
  4. I'll head past your showroom in a couple of hours on my way to see the Grandparents 😄
  5. If you're in Ripon, you're not far from Ripley! Go there for an ice cream (take some cash to pay) they do a unique flavour every week or fortnight or something like that.
  6. I'm in Harrogate with my Z this week 😄 Where's your showroom and I'll give you a drive by haha
  7. The car was not in a good way and I really, really hope he's ok. I hope my car never rolls and if it does, that no one is inside it when it does. The roof doesn't save you from much. Poor guy.
  8. Oooh and we're you in the 370z taking the exit?
  9. I've had my clutch drop twice when it's been hot and I've been doing a lot of driving. Haven't had the problem since - but i've got parts on order with Zmanalex and I'll be getting new fluids too, to make sure it doesn't happen again.
  10. Awesome - I will have to get on the hunt for a DE headlight to dismantle! Thank you everyone for helping - at least I can get focused on sorting this out anytime now and I don't need to worry that it will cost me £350+ and leave me feeling resentful
  11. But are the outer casings the same even if the rear casing is different? If so I will hunt down a drivers side DE headlamp and take it apart.
  12. Link to my info: http://nissan4u.com/parts/info/26075CF50B/
  13. And looking at the part details, it looks like it's the same housing from the DE lights for the HR lights, just the internals are different? I have a lot of questions sorry, but I'm hoping someone will be able to answer all of my questions
  14. And I found the part number "Housing head lamp, right-hand, 26025CF50B" if the housing has a part number, surely I can get it from somewhere? Does that help make it orderable (<- made up word there)
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