Hey guys, I have owned my 2004 Nissan 350Z for less than a day and already managed to wreck it.
Coming out of my inlaws gated driveway I marooned the car on a severely badly graveled section, this is dead in the middle of the gate so you have to go over it, very slowly. (First time I've been to their new place too!)
I heard a crunch and the car stopped, couldn't pull away slowly or reverse slowly, just more crunching, because the exit is located on a blind bend I HAD to get the car out and soon before someone pulled in and smashed straight into the car, so I gave it a bit more throttle and managed to get the car off.
It sounded HORRENDOUS and now it's back home I can see that I have managed to pierce / wreck BOTH flexi sections on the Y Pipe. Smoke is bellowing from these sections so the car is currently not driveable.
Is there a chance I have wrecked the cat too though? I PRAY that I haven't but with my luck if I fell in a barrell of tits I'd come out sucking my thumb.
Also, is there an aftermarket Y pipe without those fragile flexi sections? And where can I get one from?
Help and advice will be really appreciated!