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Everything posted by Billythakidd1

  1. Thank you Arran, that's a comprehensive reply. I might stick with the earlier type and save on the tax, unless I find a later version for a good price. It's that V6 sound, 280 bhp and rear wheel drive that draws me to them, coupled with the decent insurance and price! The ST is now on Ebay for sale anyway, so I'll see how that gets on. Just wondering, is there much difference in terms of performance and handling between the Coupe and Roadster? I prefer the Coupe, but there is an immaculate red Roadster for sale in South Wales, so I'm not ruling out looking at one if the price / spec is right. Thanks, Billy.
  2. Hi, my name is Billy. I currently have a Stage 1 06 Focus ST, but have recently moved down to Portsmouth from Wales to live so as to secure a promotion. I've kept the ST at home in Wales for now. I was going to sell it and replace it with a performance diesel, but knew I would always miss having all of that power on tap. My Father (being a mechanic) has suggested I get a cheap disel (he has his eye on a VW Bora 1.9 tdi at the moment which I could buy), for use up in Portsmouth and for coming back and forth to visit family and friends in Wales. I could then keep my ST in Wales as a weekend car. However, I've had the ST for 5 years and was thinking that if I was going to have a car kept in Wales for fun, then I could try out a sports car and leave a cover over it for when I'm down in Portsmouth working. I've always fancied a 350z, so thought now might be a good time to look at one. My ST is worth about 7000 pounds privately, is this good money to put towards a 350z and what sort of example could I hope to get with that kind of money? Also, is there anything that I should note when buying? The fuel economy seems comparable to the ST, insurance is slightly cheaper too, and I've heard that the V6 lumps are reliable, plus I'll only be doing around 3000 miles a year in it (if that!). Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks. Bill.
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