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Everything posted by Tigerzed

  1. Tigerzed


    cheers buddy, The yellow zed on your profile yours? i must say its got to be the best colour for sure!! Yep that's mine mate & thanks for the compliment. They look better in the flesh as the yellow is metallic im really fond of this colour in the 350z, not so many about which makes it all that more special. I'm sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong but I believe there was 76 ultra yellow GT4 zeds sold in the uk the other 100 are kuro black. Mine is the only one I've seen but there's a few on the forum
  2. Tigerzed


    cheers buddy, The yellow zed on your profile yours? i must say its got to be the best colour for sure!! Yep that's mine mate & thanks for the compliment. They look better in the flesh as the yellow is metallic
  3. Is that because you can't get a woman to do it for you? What ever floats your boat .........
  4. I guess if you put it out there then you're putting yourself up for criticism I have to say it's not for me but at the same time I'm kinda feeling sorry for the lad . . . . . . I'm definitely mellowing as I get (a little) older . . . . . . .
  5. Some people are so judgemental. Typical of the modern day nanny culture! When I was very young my dad let me sit on his knee and I'd help with the steering as we drove around the block, something I did with my two boys too. Pick the bones out of that Oh and I used to take my kids out and when appropriate boot the car. They loved it too
  6. Sound job ..... just another mod or two to squeeze it over 300 Glad you got the results you wanted
  7. Promise not to tell mummy ...... experience dictates that you mays well say as soon as you walk in tell mummy everything ........
  8. Oh charmin' ...... a reply.......!! Not surprised.Good looking woman with a good taste in cars. Not many of you about. FFS ...... (Shakes head)! ! At least I didn't offer her a Rose like suits. Give me a break ffs. That's it I'm not speaking to any more female members.
  9. ^ ha yes the rose was so cheesy it made me roll my eyes! I'd be less concerned about talking to them and more the fact that none of them have yet to reply!! ;p Hope the uprev went well by the way
  10. You'll never view Rainbow in the same way again ......
  11. Not surprised.Good looking woman with a good taste in cars. Not many of you about. FFS ...... (Shakes head)! !
  12. Another 70s baby! That's a great vid I saw it on Facebook. Have any of the 70s babies seen the Rainbow clip full of innuendo?! Jane was blowing all night and they was playing with each others balls!! Oh and my avatar is iconic in Yorkshire for 70s babies!
  13. I don't buy mags either anymore for any of my interests mainly due to the fact that there's so much info on the Internet
  14. That plans scuppered then. She's a rare one though ~ according to statistics, globally only 10% of women are left handed compared to 12% of men. Edit ~ It's probably best none of our partners ever look on here, ..or bank managers. My Wife's actually a bank manager with the Halifax, seriously, so I'm completely screwed! I'm not daft mind ....... I bank with Santander!!
  15. well today iv ordered de-cats a cone filter new blue wheel nuts and a tarmac strut brace ( and not told the wife ) lol it's shinny stuff that gets me under my skin lol Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Good man . . . . . Its on a need to know basis and the wives don't need to know
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