These cars have a maf, not a map sensor so I'd be looking towards the crank sensor. My thinking is that would causing starting issues as the ecu wouldn't know where the pistons were in relation to the cams/valve timing for its spark signal.....
Doesn’t the display provide a snap shot of the remaining miles in accordance with conditions at the time, so on cold start up ie max choke then for sure fuel range is going to be crap then as the engine warms up and efficient operation is achieved the dte ranges goes back up as its looking at the situation at that very moment.
Neat!! In terms of peak power, on top of the above what bhp would be expected from an uprev and do you find its worth increasing the standard rev limit or not really?
On a healthy ukdm DE, prior to uprev what gains can be expected from bolt on breather mods? Ie exhaust, aftermarket panel filter, HFC and plenum spacer..... And of the above hardware, which do you rate in terms of bang for buck?