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Everything posted by Robothobo

  1. That front looks means as @#@#. Like a shark about to bite your legs off. I like.
  2. Mine got its first clean and wax since I bought it at the end of January! Well, we just haven't had the weather. The clean really showed that there are some areas that need some touch up paint and that the front of the Z seems to attract all manner of rubbish. Next week a full effort with clay bar etc. following the useful guide elsewhere on this forum. I used Meguiars for the first time and am now addicted to the smell of their Ultimate Wax
  3. Blimey. That's lovely. Quality purchase. I want one.
  4. I take it back. It was Jacko. I need my ears cleaned. But I'm also redeemed.
  5. I'm fairly sure they were listening to Boney M. That's Boney M in a GTR. Doesn't seem right. Probably not as bad as me knowing that it was Boney M
  6. Welcome. Nice colour. I will never tire of looking at pictures of Zeds.
  7. A tenuous link but it is Z related and Japanese. I like a bit of Squarepusher and when I saw this, and as a newish Z owner, I just had to share. https://bleep.com/re...c607a19-1551201
  8. That is great example. I'm curious as to what beast you're getting. Can you tell us? The last picture has the full reg visible! GLWTS.
  9. Ian, I picked mine up from the Post Office today. It's a great fit and feels nice and solid. The Z logo is a really nice touch. Good work fella. Thanks, Mark
  10. Welcome. Wow, that takes me back. I used to have a targa top CRX VTi. Mine was stock, but still a load of fun. A great little car. I still miss it sometimes, especially on sunny days.
  11. Welcome. I recently got my Zed and am so pleased with it. Good choice.
  12. Is it the brown LSD? That's bad apparently. Sorry. Couldn't resist.
  13. Thanks for the reply and link. You've said what was in the back of my mind. I'll get a pro to do it who will hopefully do a much better job than I could ever do. So, another question. Does anyone know a decent place near Oxford?
  14. Hello, I have a little bit of dodgy paintwork on the boot. See images. I think a touch up of paint will sort it but I am not the neatest of people. Anyone recommend a kit I can use and have any tops tips? Thanks, Mark
  15. Despite what I said, these bad boys have caught my eye. I'm struggling to find a reason NOT to buy them! http://www.tarmacspo...-TR-3004P_.aspx Although Mr Tarmac, you'll have stop it with all your supercharger talk
  16. Brilliant thanks guys. Time I grew some;-) ©grundy225 what have you got mate?
  17. I blame you wonderful people on this forum for this;-) When I got my Zed I decided that I wasn't going to mod it, at all. After a stubby aerial I now have full on zeditis. The stubby was a gateway drug into the murky world of modding. However, here's my problem (one of many I'm sure). I can't make the Zed too much louder than it already is. Need to work on my wife for that one. I quite like the sound anyway. Due to this I'm ruling out intakes and exhausts, for the moment. So my question is, what other mods can I do the will feed my addiction and maybe get a little bit of better performance. It's an HR so no plenum spacer required I guess. I'm thinking an Uprev for sure but would that on its own do anything worthwhile? Am I dreaming or should I man up and just get another exhaust;-) Cheers
  18. I've searched but couldn't find anything so apologies if this has been answered. What was/is the intended use for the third button next to the heated seat buttons? I told my wife it was the for the passenger ejector seat;-) what is it really for?
  19. I'm a self-employed information security contractor. I use the Z for fun and a rubbish old A3 for the drive to the station.
  20. Can you get any WD40 in there to loosen it a bit? That stuff is magic. What stubby did you go for? I'm looking at getting one myself.
  21. This week I used the button that folds the wing mirrors for the first time.That's was a cool moment. I've only had it a week so little things like that are still great;)
  22. I took a couple of quick photos at the weekend. They're not the best quality as I took them with my phone. I'm off to Norfolk at the weekend so I'll get to have a nice long drive.
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