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Everything posted by leebottrill

  1. Yep. Called them and there getting a dent removal company to have a look!
  2. Took my car in last week to have something fixed in the door. Got it back all fine. Washed and waxed last night and noticed a little dent in the door. I then realised the dent was internal. They must have knocked it when they where in there. Do you think I have a leg to stand on? It was defo not there before!
  3. Inside the roadster roof there is a strut that goes across the drivers head. There is material attached to it. I noticed a small piece is bent. It could have always been like this. And the roof works fine. Should I worry? And has anyone else had this problem? I have a photo.I'll try and link it below.
  4. Yep thats the one Bradders :-)
  5. I'll do it later. Can never upload photos on here though!
  6. Hey. I was wondering around halfords yesterday can came across a cargo net. Tried it in my roadster and it fits perfectly. Its surprising good quality to. £4.99 from halfords! Hope it save some people some money
  7. Yea my roof is down more than its up. Even at night. The only real way to hear that engine The wind noise will be a minor job and shouldnt put you off! Maybe even worth a haggle?
  8. I use mine on the motorway and I can have a chat with the passenger. Its far from silent but wind noise will sound different from a road rumble. Worst case will be to have the regulator or window reset. Wouldn't of thought that would be much at all. You can have a good look at the seals and see if its flush all round. Also apply some silicone spray on the seal, shut the door. You should see it get squashed between the glass and rubber all the way round. hope that helps
  9. Anyone's? Heading out of St Austell 2 weeks ago
  10. Was it anyone on here that passed me in a yellow zed a week or so ago? It was leaving St Austell way. I was in a grey roadster ) haha
  11. UPDATE... Just got the car back from the dealers. they replaced the regulator, replaced all washers with fiber ones and packed out the door (whatever that means) and the door seems much much better. All in £285. I can still hear something, but it could be the door or the roof. either way its very faint. For me money well spent!.......on to the next
  12. Oh. I don't have Bluetooth!
  13. I have a 57 plate roadster GT! Should it have Bluetooth? If so where? I can't locate it anywhere?
  14. yep. same. when i put my finger on the dash it stops! ill try the foam and see what happens!
  15. leebottrill


    Has anyone remover the drivers side dash? Im guessing it clips off? i have a buzz to eradicate!
  16. surprising how small the zed looks compared to the other two.
  17. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=281398516584&globalID=EBAY-GB&alt=web Looks a good price
  18. Are they generally all that bad? I thought it was just me being paronoid!
  19. Ohh I have the same. If I put my finger on the plastic it stops.this is one of many I'm slowly working through. I'm going to buy some padded tape and start sticking! Have you found a solution yet?
  20. Haha OK. Took the car in. They took the door apart and told me the rattle is play in the regulator. They put the door back. And did nothing more. Told me to do the job will be 285 all in including padding out all the nuts and bolts with rubber bungs to make it rattle proof.the regulator and motor are the same thing.
  21. They didn't remove anything. All they did was investigate. They said to stop the noise I would need to replace the motor. Think its worth paying for. I'm hating the car right now haha
  22. Got the car back. They managed to line the window up this time. Unfortunately the noise is worse than before. They confirmed it was defiantly the regulator making the noise. Its not the trim as its a metallic sound. Ah joys of motoring haha
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