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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. I've got a dry pipercross panle filter.
  2. Old enough to know better, young enough to do it again! So, about 36
  3. I love moments like that when people think you know nothing about cars and reel off a load of cod's wallop. That's the moment when i'd say while putting a brotherly zed hand on his shoulder " I hate to be the one to tell you this but....."
  4. The old Japanese proverb is " never write and send a letter in anger ". As others have said, best to keep calm and check what you can prove and what you can't and talk the the guy first.
  5. Gordon Bennet! lets hope that hasn't caused any direct damage to anything else eh? Some people just have no idea, or do but don't care which makes it even worse. A skyline does not deserve such slip-shod workmanship. I only hope you can get that sorted out and bring the beast back to life.
  6. Mine's a DE and revs to around 1200 rpm and goes down very soon after.
  7. I have 2 cars with the same company (sky) and for my Golf TDI and the Zed, I got a good deal.
  8. I have no idea TBH. I'm only going by what I've been told. But i'm not counting my chickens yet!
  9. Very nice. A blown V-tec! I love it. But will it wheel spin in motion when changing gear? if so, I love it even more!!!
  10. I like retro gaming so I like playing my 20 year old Neo Geo games and old arcade classics like the mortal combat trilogy, double dragon, chase HQ, Out-Run and a few others. I think there are hilarious! I also recently came across Pacman Championship edition DX, which is great clean fun.
  11. Well it's been a week and 1 day and I haven't got anything in the post..... yet. I didn't have time to check this morning before work but i'll have a butchers when I get back. Ho hum.
  12. I also recently completed a y-pipe and berks mod. Can't say mine is running lumpy but sometimes it feels a little hesitant before it wakes up for the straight run.
  13. Yes, but on a car that weighs as much as a small country to begin with, not noticeably heavier didn't think it was that bad. Around 1500k?
  14. Rock_Steady


    if you mean the ol'Wangan Racers they're long gone after one of them had an accident on rainbow road at 180+ with a taxi. This is what the wife tells me as she worked in Tokyo for 11 years. I do believe the NSX boys still play "it" on roads around Tokyo. not sure quite how that works in a car but looks fun.
  15. where in Cambridge? you dlive round cambridge? But yes Cambridge is horrific as a car driver and not wanting to sound racist 90% of people on bikes are foreign students who clearly have no idea about the Uk traffic laws as the just go any where dont look, you could be coming up behind one on the high street and they will just turn left in front of you to pop into a coffee shop and worst of all i have no idea why the Cambridge council bothered putting cycle lanes in as knowbody use them in cambridge everyone seems to cycle out side them, and heres a classic one for anyone from Cambridge The railway bridge near the beehive shopping center If you look to the left hand side of the road on the other side of the fence thats a path split with a white line one side for cyclists and one side for pedestrians and the road for cars, Guess what ive NEVER seen a cyclist on that cycle lane they all peddle up the hill on the road which is blooming steep at about 1mph allowing traffic to build up for the 3-4 minutes which in a place like Cambridge can be a mile along in that time it takes there ascent to the top, Anyone got any idea whys, as by god to it **** me off as you cant overtake there yes I work , drive and eat in Cambridge. I used to work in the guildhall market square but my office is now in burleigh street if you really want to know. I drive everywhere in Cambridge to answer your question.
  16. I think cyclists break the rules far more than drivers do. But what really rubs my rhubarb is, the taxes that are paid for cyclists to have cycle lanes in the first place are not used ( as steve has said ) and they can use the road as well! In Cambridge I often see a cyclist riding on the road when there is a cycle lane on the pavement next to them. Taxes paid for it so why not use it? but no, i'll hold up the traffic instead. Even though I have paid my taxes which contribute to the cycle lane I can't very well drive on it. I know it's ranting and probably a cliché but it's stronger than me! it's just the sanctimonious attitude that goes with it. Really grates on me. I feel much better now
  17. I work in Cambridge and the traffic laws here in regards to one-way streets and cycle paths on the pavement are turned on their head. As a motorist, I feel that the responsibility weighs far heavier on the driver rather than the cyclist. It seems that whatever happens in the unfortunate event of an accident with a cyclist, it'll be my fault. When i'm driving the zed cyclists look at me like i'm Hitler, Pol Pot, capitalism smoking a fat cigar all rolled into one, and even though I haven't done anything wrong I actually have just by driving what they consider to be a flash git's car. Because it's quite loud people think im driving faster than I actually am which proceeds them to tell me what a w**ker I am. Just can't win.
  18. some very nice zeds there guys! superb job I'm not a big porshe fan but that looks really nice too!
  19. I've never received a speeding ticket ( though the post before ) so how long does it take the police to send the love letter?
  20. In all honesty I really wasn't paying attention. I was originally doing 75 but a slightly heavy shoe made all the difference, Or maybe my socks were too thick. All adds to the weight. I hadn't planned to do 77 mph.
  21. O well, the thought of this paled in comparison when I looked at my wife's face as I stopped at the next junction.
  22. I have been fiddling with cars for years as i'm sure many of you have, and I have made some really stupid boo boos in my time. Too embarrassing to mention, but DIY in general is not my forte. My mantra is "bring me the hammer" which my wife sighs at and waits for the inevitable. In this instance, a broken toilet. She said, next time just think, plumbers don't do mechanical jobs so mechanics shouldn't try to do plumbing, which is a fair comment.
  23. on the way to the in-laws yesterday was doing almost 80 on the dual carriage way, saw Hawaii five O hiding in a layby in a van. Think they got me bang to rights. So what's that? a £60 fine and 3 points?
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