Looks absolutely mint does that Sir.
thanks! it has been a labour of love for the last 7 years and is pretty much mint like you said. No rust, Complete engine rebuild with some tasty upgrades all round. At the moment i'm refurbing the wheels which is not easy
Future classic?! ..some might even say it's classic now though.
Any engine bay pictures? Either way keep it up.
yeah I have some knocking about, i'll get them up ASAP
Looks absolutely mint does that Sir.
thanks! it has been a labour of love for the last 7 years and is pretty much mint like you said. No rust, Complete engine rebuild with some tasty upgrades all round. At the moment i'm refurbing the wheels which is not easy
here's my celica gt4. it's completely modified and stripped out. weighs 1370k with just over quarter of a tank. 312hp at the fly. Dragged it at santa pod a few times.
Never buy the first of anything. Wait until everyone else buys it, discovers the problems so the company who makes it can iron out the creases. I know i'd never buy the first flying car. Probably because i'd be dead before they were a reasonable option but still, if they were around in my life time and affordable, I wouldn't go near it.
my first thought was a Scooby estate. fun in the summer, safe in the winter and reliable. what's not to like? BTW, congrats on your first member of the fam.
Mine was a metallic turquoise 1993 on a K reg Vauxall Astra 1.6 si !!! I paid £250 for it and it had covered 252,000 miles. the insurance was £700!! I can remember the bloke who sold it to me saying " the heater in this is phenomenal! after a minute it gets really hot, an excellent point of the car" yeah, that was a sign of the head gasket going as it did about a couple of weeks later as I would thrash the tappets out of it on any journey being a young lad. So I repaired it and sold it to a yocal who was then caught drink driving and the car was crushed as far as I know. No love loss there really as it was a carbuncle on wheels.
I was going to say, cheapest weigh to lose weight is to chuck out the spare wheel ( which must weigh around 15k ), go commando, wear thinner socks, get a hair cut, evacuate your bowls, clip your nails and do a bit of exercise.
I've got a Samsung 47" smart LCD,LED,OMG TV and it's got more pixels per square inch than your run of the mill TV. The picture is amazing. The movement of people is far clearer, smoother and crisper. It's like you're actually there! Annoying factors are: it can be voice operated which brings up a mic on screen which says " could you repeat that? to which the answer is mostly "sod off!" which is followed by " which channel?", or you can change channels by using your hand. Unfortunately the only way it picks your hand up is by giving a heil Hitler salute which really gets the neighbourhood gossip gravy train going.
i'm also still playing the first Grid game. If anyone else has got it, i'm willing to throw the gauntlet down for fastest lap on the Detroit F1 circuit! I guarantee i'll have the fastest time in any car. I am Yoda!!
I was once caught by plod doing 99 mph in my GT-Four, got a court hearing, pleaded guilty, got 5 points and a £400 fine. That was about 6 years ago so now I have none. Only ever had those 5.
i'd've never thought you'd get that much car for so little money. well done that man! I think it's possible to pick up a soarer for a little more money but still, a lot of car!
I think the early T-sport celicas had head gasket issues later ones didn't but that's something I heard, not sure how much truth is in it. I've currently got a Celica GT4. had it for 8 years and it's never missed a beat. Great cars that are a bit of an unsung hero.
I've got a mk4 tdi golf with a re-map. bought the re-map for £££ smackers. Was 130 hp is now 170 with a shed load more torque! You can forget putting your foot down in 1st but if you're cruising in 6th it really takes off, no hanging about. I drive it daily and still get an average of 45 MPG gunning it. it's great! But if the MK4 golf seems a bit whippet and flat cap for you, then go for the MK5 like you suggested with a re-map. Just my tupence worth.
in a recent post, I backed into my dad's BMW. Furthermore, coming off a slip road onto a dual carriage way I pulled out in front of someone who seemed to just appear from no where! I can only guess that he/she was driving really fast and I hadn't noticed which meant they had to slow down or, I need to get my eyes syringed. Either way I got a lot of bibs and flashing lights which made me want to disappear into the bowls of my seat.