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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. yeah I know, I think my old man has a reader so i'll have to give him a call. Was looking to get it upreved soon.
  2. Hi dee hi fella. welcome. car looks
  3. Rock_Steady


    This has popped up on the dash. The car still drives and performs as it should or did. No changes there. But i'm sure I can remember reading on here somewhere that once people have changed to HFCs which I have, after 1k the EML pops up. something due to the lambda sensors? Just wanted someone to confirm if this is true. I don't have a code reader but I will try disconnecting the battery to wipe the code and see what happens. Any insight is welcome.
  4. In regards to what's "fast" is all a matter of opinion to a degree. I don't think you need to do a certain speed in order to ascertain what might be fast. I've driven up to 130 mph on a private road and that was fast for me. Perhaps for F1 drivers that's pedestrian. I think any car that has a 0 - 62 speed of 6 seconds can be considered a quick car, but again that's just my opinion. Compare the Glanza which is supposed to be a "6 second car" that's a 1.3 turbo and as light as a fart, the 350z as we all know has a considerably larger engine and weighs a lot more that a fart, perhaps a turd. Either way I think a standard Glanza would probably give a zed a good run for its money in a straight line and definitely round the bends. Maybe in that respect the Zed is not all that quick as you might expect more from a thumping 3.5 V6. They are both quick cars for very different reasons.
  5. Apparently the police are not too clued up on the number plate sizes and their rules do not correlate to the DVLA's rules. Absolute madness. You can print out the size and rules from the DVLA website as I did and had a good 10 minute argument with plod about 2 years back. It's amazing just how obstinate a uniform can make a man in the face of what clearly seemed to be a perfectly legal plate according to the people who make the rules, which is not the police.
  6. wheel bearings and CV joints are weird intermittent things. Probably still is the wheel bearing, probably kicks in @ 70 as I imagine that's the speed the car has done the most over the majority of its life. They usually make noise at the common 30/70 mph.
  7. I'm not a dad taxi yet ( my little one is only 5 months ) but I am a wife taxi and a sister taxi. Waiting in nurseries and mothers circles until they have finished their coffees and bitching about god knows what while i'm sitting in waiting rooms reading pamphlets about really uplifting things like "so, you've got an itchy arse hole" or some other informative thing about embarrassing foibles. Or, waiting in the baking hot car thinking "she said she'd be out by 4 and it's now 4.27" and to think it's only going to get worse.
  8. It's inevitable that life with through some tough times at us and sometimes the fickle finger of fate likes to ride into the equation too. Sounds like a lot has happened all at once. It does take a man to fess up and step up and say that something's wrong. So why not go to the doctor? what have you got to lose? Get it off your chest and take it a day at the time. Don't think about it all at once, that's enough to make an onion cry. With all this bad there must be some good around the corner.Take it till life runs out. You're still young and have your family. That's important. I have lost a job before and a loved one so I know that crushing feeling of "what do I do now?" well, you have to dust yourself off and keep on. Don't let it beat you Stevo, shout at the devil.
  9. So, it has begun. And I can't say I was overly impressed with Brazil. Having said that, Croatia still couldn't win even though Brazil gave them a goal which they celebrated as if they had scored it. Mind you, it was the first game. Plenty of time to improve.
  10. yeah, I saw this not long ago, nice car, but I really like the old 90's version.
  11. Thanks for that Jetpilot. I have been doing some searching and there are a few around but, there always seems to be a catch i.e. missing history or claims of forge builds but no receipts.
  12. I really want a black Nissan pulsar GTi-R. I've always loved them. I know they look like a pram with a turbo but, I don't know why, they just really appeal to me.
  13. Has anyone done the above? If so, what steps are taken from start to finish. Do I just call an importer and say " hello, can you get me a low mileage Nissan in black? And it goes from there? Something I have learned in my life is things are never as straight forward as you might think. Any pointers and advice is very much appreciated.
  14. Good show ol'bean! good write up and a good read.
  15. I really like them. it's different and don't see many about. I think I just felt a pang of jealousy.
  16. I agree, it's these kinds of actions on the road that bring out the worst in people and push a moderate man or woman over the edge.
  17. i'm so sorry to read this. Very sobering and sad. Get well soon and keep yourself busy when you are better, like polishing and preparing the zed for when you can get back in the driving seat. Get fit.
  18. Bird poo.. I tell ya, some of the birds round where I live must have cleft arse holes judging by the size of the poo they deposit on my car. Either that or cows have now got wings.
  19. Rock_Steady


    ouch! Did they stop? I Bloody hope so. Was it from the left or the right?
  20. thank god there are some rational and nice people still around.
  21. Come on guys, the Xantia Diesel has to win the crazy cup, what other car resists acceleration when you want to go faster but wants to go faster when you brake eh?
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