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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. Liz hurley i'm sure she was a looker before electricity
  2. what really rubs my rhubarb is when someone can't maintain a constant speed. They could be doing 60 but they want to do 50, fine. But then for some reason, they'll slow down to 45, then 50, then 40, 50, 45, 50... and so on. I get so annoyed I just overtake and plod at 60 only to have them catch me up and match me!! why didn't they just do 60 in the first place and be done with it? And why can they maintain a constant speed now I've over taken them? I just don't get it. And it's usually some ol'doddery git in a Honda Jazz.
  3. fair point. I understand that, and i'm sure some of those people who parked @ Tesco are genuinely disabled in some way but 30 with no obvious physical disadvantage?!?! Seems a little coincidental. I only make my point as disabled parking should genuinely be for the disabled. I am agreeing with you, just seemed a little suspicious.
  4. The Tesco in my town must have around 30 disabled parking spaces and on a Saturday, they're usually ALL taken. yes, ALL. I keep on expecting to see 30 people wheeling around in wheel chairs or 30 people in crutches or with walking sticks reading packets of food in the aisles but i never spot this. Everyone looks very able to me! Whatever qualifies for disability these days can't be anything short of athletic.
  5. In no particular order: 1. A gleaming black Nissan Pulsar GTI - R. 2. Midnight purple Nissan R34 Skyline GTR Nur-spec 3. Toyota AE86 corolla 4. Mazda RX7 FDS Twin turbo 5. Renault 5 maxi turbo. 6. Metro 6R4. And now, i'm going into the staff toilets to cry.
  6. I had a corolla with a caldina 3S-GTE rev 5 engine. About 270 hp. Looked totally stock but went like stink. Also had an almera with a pulsar SR20DET engine. Again looked stock but was pretty quick. The corolla had type R, BMW and sometimes Porsche drivers scratching their heads
  7. Turbo + Vtec = mega wheel spin. Won't it under steer like a like a dog running on a wet kitchen floor?
  8. The trouble with English football? we're shite!
  9. If for example you're staying in a hotel in the states, don't see what things you can put down the waste disposal unit before it will pack up ( just between you and me, it's chopsticks )
  10. if for example, you're at your parents house while they are out, and decide to use the keys in the door to lock up instead of the ones in your car, DON'T put down your car keys on the work top before locking up the house from the outside and post the house keys through the letter box.
  11. very nice indeed. Love those rays too. Your zed is really well balanced cosmetically as I'm sure it is drive wise now too. superb stuff
  12. thanks. It did kind of put me off as it did start to turn a little nasty but hey ho. I'll keep on looking and waiting. I'll get one eventually. Hopefully before this cash burns a hole in my pocket.
  13. firstly " to hate on" is a phrasal verb, secondly it is originally English unlike to have a "stiff upper lip" which is actually an Americanism! who'd've thunk it?
  14. Does anyone else think that Suarez has big teeth? they are perfect for biting! he's so goofy that if he sneezed he'd cuff his own tits off.
  15. reminds me of that joke , do you know what happened to that guy who had sex with a princess? he got his dick stuck in the exhaust.
  16. yeah I know. it's hard to find a diamond but, I'm seriously considering getting one imported now.
  17. Astra 1.6 si ( the insurance was thrice the price I paid for it ) Nissan almera GTI Phase 1 Nissan almera GTI Phase 2 Autech Nissan almera Phase 2 (SR20DET engine conversion) Corolla with a Caldina Engine conversion (3S-GTE Revision 5) Celica GT-Four ST185 350z
  18. Posted Today, 12:02 Ian "The Z is hardly expensive to buy and run" That depends on your job sir which will define what is expensive or not.
  19. So, it's Friday and I should be the happy proud owner of a Nissan Pulsar. But I am not. I went to pick the car, all was good. My father was with me, he's been a mechanic for 40 something years. I handed over the money. He gave me the keys. I had a big smile then, when walking back to the car I noticed something I hadn't seen before, this I because of how it had been parked when I had seen it before which didn't allow me to get back far enough to realise that, the off-side front wheel seemed to be closer to the rear of the arch compared to gap at the front. So I walked round the other side and had a look and lo, it was even. I said to my dad quietly " look at the off-side front wheel and the gaps in the arch" which he did, he looked at me, I looked at him and said " it's got a bent chassis leg hasn't it?" he nodded. So, I said to the owner " i'm sorry to have to break this to you but the chassis leg is bent, by about 10 mm by the looks of it. It must have had a big hit at some point. I got him to jack it up which he seemed reluctant to do and I got underneath with lamp and there it was, a bodged attempted to correct a bent chassis that still was not right. I was angry with myself for not noticing but I think this was because he had been parking it in such a way i.e. close to his hedge so I couldn't really get a good enough perspective to notice. I must admit it was something I hadn't thought about at the time but I just didn't think someone would be dishonest enough to sell such a car in such a state. I started to get angry but didn't show it. I asked for my money back but then he started asking me how much it would cost to fix and I could have that money off the car but I explained " look, I don't want the car now because if you weren't honest enough to tell me about this in the first place how can I trust you now?, besides I wanted to buy a car I could just drive away, not spend money on top of what I bought it for." I opened my hand and looked at him firmly and said " this time i'm not asking you, i'm telling you, I want my money back. the car is not how you described it." and on that note he reluctantly gave me my wodge of cash back. I dodged a bullet. So, the search goes on for another Pulsar. severely disappointed but relieved at the same time.
  20. Here's my tip that comes from many experiences from fish and chip shops. Surfaces that are really hot, don't necessarily look hot.
  21. well, I've bought fast car magazine before and quite frankly, I was more impressed with the sponsor girls getting their bristols out. It's just for young lads in fiesta Zetecs and lowered VW Polos on piano wheels. It's just Bollocks. I bet if a 350 landed on their drive way they would drive it, realise how wrong they were and then defend it to the hilt. But because the haven't driven one - and I serisously doubt they think it's ugly - they just have an uneducated opinion about it and just quote pub talk.
  22. Well, it's Thursday. I'm going to pick up the Pulsar @ 5pm today. Quite excited. Will get the camera ready for a few pics and post them up. The only thing I didn't like about the car was the shockingly hard tein track suspension which can't be reasoned with, i.e. you can't make it softer or harder. it is as it is, which is tooth crashingly hard. If anyone has any recommendations for suspension possibilities for a Pulsar please let me know. It's going to be the only thing i'm going to change about the car. Other than that i'm keeping it standard.
  23. I think i'll have to take you up on the offer!
  24. I seen one of the rally homoligation ones at knockhill at the bdc. First time I'd seen one and it looked awesome. Do they come with the roll cage as standard? not to my limited knowledge
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