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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. can you remember when telephone numbers only had 5 digits? and the telephone had the wheel with finger holes for the numbers? you were buggered if you needed to call 999 if your house was on fire, took way too long.
  2. I've seen him before I think when I was in my zed. been a while though.
  3. ahhhh, Nostalgia, it's not what it used to be.
  4. Aha!! thanks for this!! live and learn.
  5. I do believe Nissan make a 3-pot 1 litre @ 700hp for their electric le-mans car. Con-rods must be like tree trunks.
  6. well, there was still plenty of coolant, it was right up to the top. The drive home was fine, it never over heated. So, next step is bumper off and check out the rad fans and electrics. And while i'm at it I think i'll re-spray the bumper and repair it as I hit uneven ground on the same day and cracked the fibre-glass
  7. will do guys, just bought some coolant so i'll have a butchers.
  8. So, I decided to drive the zed to work and 2 things happened. 1: My fish salad leaked onto the passenger seat 2: whilst in traffic I noticed that the temp needle was just over half way, I kept my eye on it and it started to get a little higher. The fans weren't kicking in!! I made this face so, I turned on the heaters to full blast and turned off the car when it was @ a stand still. it never got near the red but hopefully there is no damage. No steam, no coolant leaking out anywhere. Should I be worried?
  9. it's an inevitable part of driving, ye ol'stone chip but mine has hardly any or scratches :teeth:
  10. bummer, I can empathise, i'll be selling up soon. 2 cars as it goes. Boooooooo. Sorry to hear you've sold up. You'll be back one day, petrolheads like us always are
  11. Rock_Steady

    Jerky Zed

    It's probably the rotor arm! ( inside joke ) Do zeds have cold start sensors? if so, It may be that, as in it's knackered.
  12. just for the record, I get a proper ear ache from her indoors about having 3 cars. But if you really like it - and ear aches - and have some spare cash to throw at it then go for broke.
  13. That is a bugger, especially when you're pressed for space in the bay. That usually = cuffed knuckles and getting tools stuck. Hope you get it sorted as you haven't had it that long.
  14. you're getting married!?!? .... o well, nevermind. No, congrats! seriously, welcome to the world of compromise, so well done on getting that booked, and book anything else you can think of right now that you won't be allowed to do in the future!!!
  15. i'm not saying it is but it looks a little bit like an engine mount. Not much help I know.
  16. Rock_Steady

    The R33

    Very nice coldel. A very clean looking 33, and the body kit is actually complimentary me thinks.
  17. Citroen Xantia DT: this didn't disappoint as it was as bad as I expected BMW 650 LCI: Really nice car with a thumping V8 but slower than I had expected. Vauxhall VX220: As stated before, non turbo and was amazing to drive. Cornered like a house fly. Could easily lose much faster cars round the twisties without really trying too hard. BMW 325i 2003 model: crap ride, crap acceleration, crap cornering. My dad drove it down the road while I watched. He took off with a lot of noise, gear changes, I looked away and looked back and he was still there, it was like he had never left. And this will not stop making the text more and more bold.
  18. i'd check the beads haven't gone in the inner tyre/rim wall. But that does look like the offending article from the pic.
  19. that'll be the ST185!! like mine!!
  20. BTW, what BMW wheels are they? or what model do they come from? I think they look great but you should get rid of those centre caps!!!!
  21. OH, MY, GOD! that looks stuperb!!!! I love it!!!! I hate you!!!!
  22. ah, I've done this. I put my GT4 under wraps about 6 months ago. been slowly refurbing wheels, arches and callipers. Yeah, you'll miss the wooshy sounds, turbo whine, the roar of a 3S-GTE underload, the awesome cornering, the limp like grip, the thrill of........
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