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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. don't forget, when you weigh yourselves, your dump will weigh something. Always evacuate your bowls and only weigh yourselves every 2 weeks for an accurate reading!! the body can fluctuate 3 pounds on any given day. Stay away from mayonnaise!! if you fancy a snack buy some roasted salted almonds, even though nuts have a lot of fat it's good fat and your body will take next to nothing in the fats from nuts. It's a cal/fat free snack
  2. so sorry to see this. Main thing is your wife is walking and talking. Hope the insurance sorts itself out and goes smoothly.
  3. Rock_Steady


    that is soooooo annoying!!! needless to say big sighs and some choice words.
  4. Jim, you know that's just a myth true, it is a myth, they're not that sexy
  5. doesn't that kind of torque and power just kill the standard gear box (if it's still standard)? And yeah anti-lag does kill the turbo eventually. I had anti-lag on my Gt-four remapped on a MoTeC and it was baked in just under 2k miles. Boooooo!. And that was a re-con turbo! Boooooo!
  6. just bend down dip your finger in and have taste. if it tastes sweet its coolant. end of story.
  7. I've never driven a poobaru.. sorry I mean Subaru . I like how the look, more so than the evo which I think are pretty ugly at best. Maybe i'm just getting old.
  8. well, in my defence of being a bit of an old lady about it, it was to the bone and I have lost some feeling in the end of it. Do I qualify for a medal the size of a frying pan for manly braveness?
  9. I was cleaning the engine of my Gt-four (Toyota) yesterday. whilst doing so I noticed what looked like flecks of paint, or maybe it was dust on the cold starter housing. Hmmm, there's only one way to find out what it is, and that's to run you finger along the said part. so I did but what I didn't know or notice was the metal gasket between the 2 parts was raised slightly which almost looped off my finger tip! A squirt of blood similar to that of the las vegas fountains shot across the engine bay and I panicked. I ran in the house and ran it under the cold water tap grimacing in pain and saying a few choice words, the wife came into the kitchen to see what all the fuss was about and almost fainted. fat lot of help she was, so my dad had to take me to A & E. I pressed the finger together so hard to stop the bleeding that after 30 mins my finger didn't fall off or open up... I felt a bit stupid going to A & E with what looked like a perfectly good nose picker but my dad insisted that I go and get it checked out. Surprisingly I didn't need stitches as it had sealed itself amazingly well. they put some anti-bacterial gel on it, with a bandage that makes my finger look like ET's. They sent me on my way and that was that but sweet jesus. Really nasty. So children, be sure to check what lurks beneath the bonnet when cleaning up the bay!
  10. Basically, the nature of a bicycle being slim and easy enough to get around a town/city on, lends itself to the fact it allows you to get away with some traffic violations a lot easier than a car can. The temptation is there and is usually taken. Or imagine this situation, You're waiting at a cross junction and want to turn right, the light goes green, you indicate right and wait for a space to pass through the traffic. The traffic is thick and fast and you're still waiting when, a kind driver flashes for you to go through because they can't go any further forward without blocking the road that crosses over, you thank them and start turning into the road when taa daa!!! a cyclist comes past. They don't know that the driver ahead has flashed you to go and comes straight across and gives you the finger. It's situations like that I don't like. I'm not saying it's the cyclists fault it's just the lack of consideration and sanctimonious attitude that some have. The fact you're driving a car obviously means you don't care about the environment and that you like to beat tramps to death with a rare bird for sexual kicks. Can't stand it.
  11. On my way to work in Cambridge, I was waiting at traffic lights. One cyclist slams on his front brake and pulls an endo, the woman behind him had no intention of stopping and was too close behind him and got a face full of tyre! I laughed so hard she gave me the finger. Priceless.
  12. if you like watching things accelerate, nothing is faster than when you tickle a cats bottom with a feather. Nothing.
  13. mines gone up by roughly a hundred. Boooooooooo!!
  14. My dad knows kim wylde's dad, I've met kim on numerous occasions. A lovely lady with a pretty wicked sense of humour.
  15. And check the oil on a regular basis. I know you don't have a DE engine but still, a worth while habit.
  16. Gorden Bennet!! I've never paid over a grand for insurance on a car, but I would for a zed if we're 22 again, especially 700 odd quid. Enjoy it while your young!
  17. The wife thinks that having a fan on in the house makes it cooler but I keep telling her it just pushes a lot of warm air around but she won't have it. I guess it must be the placebo effect.
  18. Sunday morning. Driving behind a corsa, young girl at the wheel. She was behind a cyclist going uphill, then decides she's had enough of crawling behind the cyclist and decides to overtake. Overtake, on the other side of the road, uphill is she mad?!?! Yes, and lo, a car comes the other way over the hill, she swerves back in lane to miss the car and almost takes out the cyclist. Now you might think " that'll learn her" but oh no because she tried again!!!! avoiding another car coming over the hill. When we were both finally past the cyclist and I over took her I couldn't help but notice a smaller woman in the seat next to her and a kid in the back!!! Surely they must have said something to her?? Like " what the f**k are you playing at?" Beggars belief.
  19. I only just blew a Mk5 Golf GTi into the weeds this weekend. Was quite surprised.
  20. I think the heat made my wife too lazy to nag I've had a wonderful weekend
  21. 1. Only run after 3 hours from waking up. 2. Eat something an hour before you run 3. Buy some decent running shoes. Three simple rules that don't require a magazine publication that should see you straight for the rest of your running life.
  22. But don't forget, you lose more power through 4-wheel drive systems. I think I lose around 60 hp with my gt-four from the fly to the hubs.
  23. it's almost as big as a Nissan Stagea estate
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