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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. strange. I have a 2005 DE with the 06 vel stacker, new piper cross dry panel filter, cold air feed, plenum spacer, full cobra system with berks HFCs and I can't say I have noticed any difference what so ever apart from the awesome sound it makes. Not any faster or slower as far as I can tell. certainly not to the point that i'd say it's boring to drive
  2. i think the scoob hatch is a nice car. In fact, I prefer it to most other versions of the imprezza and not that common either. But, that could be because they aren't that popular in Scooby circles but what do they know eh?
  3. is it possible to chuck a 3000GT/GTO engine in one of these? Are the engine mounts in the same position? I bet that'd be a proper hoot. I think you can also put a Pagero block on for 3.5 Litre grunt.
  4. well, I threw in some octane booster and it's seems to have done the trick. I drove it until all the petrol had run out, got the petrol light, filled it up and it runs just fine. One thing I noticed though it's idling too high about 1100. That's because I fiddled with the AFM so I'll have to fiddle it back. Thanks once again guys, you're a bunch of jedis!!
  5. I dare say they had their lights on for your benefit, not because they couldn't see. On a sunny day, if the sun is low in the sky, the sun can be blinding if your driving towards it making it pretty difficult to see oncoming traffic unless they have their headlights on. I know if i'm driving, and the sun is bright and low in the sky behind me, I put my headlights on so people can see me. And yes....I also wear sun glasses. well, if I had your zed @ your spec, wearing sunglasses is an obligation.
  6. Really sad. Funny funny man. To have those big highs you could only have deep lows. RIP Robin Williams.
  7. that is so cool it could freeze water. I love it. I can tell by your smile that it's a blast.
  8. Thanks guys. There's about a quarter of a tank in there. I only ask as it is a little hesitant to start and feels a little slouchy under load. Reminds me of what it was like when I put 95 oct in. Not so good. I think i'll drain the tank and put some fresh jungle juice in tonight.
  9. A decent protein shake like "cyclone" will make you gain weight, especially if you don't go to the gym enough. if you do, then you should see upto 10-15% increase in muscle mass a month. If you want to be toned and not big i'd stay away from the protein shakes or, atleast just have half the recommended dose to help recovery time after you've been to the gym. I think for toned legs and arms lighter weights with more reps are the way forward along with cardio. But instead of doing a 40 min run for example, do a 20 min run but sprint for 30 seconds and slow down for a minute. Do this repeatedly for 20 mins and you'll burn of the same cals you would if it were a 40 min run. It's the after-burn effect. Your metabolism will get so fast it takes a good 24 hours to slow down using this cardio style. far more effective and fast working and still burning fat long after you've left the gym. worked for me.
  10. How long does petrol last for? I only ask as I have had a car sat for 7 months on the drive as I have been slowly bringing it back to its former glory. That petrol (99 oct) has been in there since Christmas. Is it still o.k? I've heard it can go off!
  11. Maybe so but surely that is referring to "foggy" conditions or "heavy rain" situations. Too many people think as soon as it gets a little dark they'll put the fog lights on! Wtf? Not to mention the idiots driving around in the day time with them on. god! people driving around with headlights/fogs on in the day time because it's "safer" so is walking around with a high vis and hardhat but nobody does that just because it's "safer". I once saw someone driving with their headlights on, on a sunny day, with sunglasses on!! if you can't see 1.5 ton of metal coming towards you without its lights on you need to have your eyes syringed.
  12. what really rubs my rhubarb is when someone has decided to change a headlight bulb themselves and puts it in upside down thinking it's correct. Then, whilst driving along, this pillock in the other direction has one light that looks like it's on high beam and one that's not. Dazzling everyone in his path without realising.
  13. A friend of mine has the world record for concussions, about 44. He doesn't live far from me, about a stones throw.
  14. A Man’s point of view. Dear Agony Uncle. This morning when I was on my way to work the car broke down 200 yards from my house. It just stopped and wouldn't start. I could hear a clicking noise but just wouldn't turn over properly. So, I walked back to the house only to find my husband bonking the next-door neighbour's daughter. What should I do?? Yours faithfully Debbie Dear Debbie First of all I’d check the starter motor, the solenoid may be stuck. Secondly you may need to make …..
  15. I doubt if ET was in her basket she'd make the scene of flying past the moon by twilight.
  16. Rock_Steady


    crickey, this is the second time this week I think I have read a post about a woman who has hit someone's zed and "hasn't noticed" PA!!! hasn't noticed? I doubt it. but excellent news
  17. something I don't get is, you'll see a cyclist in full protective gear, helmet, elbow pads, knee pads and a high vis riding on the pavement weaving between people at speed. If that were a car they'd be crucified. furthermore, wearing all that protective clothing, on the pavement, just so they can protect themselves from crashing into some poor strolling soul.
  18. those rear bumpers are excellent
  19. Please please tell your mum to stop,giving,her,hard,earned,cash,away! I think reading that more than once physically hurt me. That would be most of the problem gone. But, why not do what others have said, thrash it out with your mum and go from there. You have your own life too, and tomorrow is another day. Never give up and chin up.
  20. Rock_Steady


    can't say that I have tried weaving @ 120 +
  21. and zippypooz is someone son/brother/cousin
  22. Mazda MPS can be a proper bully. As tony would say they'ree
  23. not that it was a question but a stupid remark was "I've never seen a skyline like that before" my reply was "And you never will...... because it's a micra"
  24. yeah, I play!! Shame as I just sold my PRS Se with EMG humbuckers with a james hetfield set up in black. I also have a BC Rich warlock but you've already got one and as you probably know they're not the best to play on.
  25. Mazda MPS every time for me. Simple bolt on upgrades and no change of internals and it's good for 350 hp
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