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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. thank guys! I know the gold is not to everyone's taste but it's more functional. it's gold leaf heat reflective, so there is a purpose to it.
  2. hmmmm, I've always affiliated mud flaps with rally cars, not so much with the zed.
  3. a long time ago I said I'd put up a few pics of the Engine bay of my GT-Four. now it's finally polished and ready to rock, here are some pics as promised. In reality it was only GMballistic that asked but, I'm a man of my word, so here they are.
  4. I wonder if the guy in the car had a sun roof? imagine if he looked up and saw someone's squatting arse! He might have thought he was so lucky that the sun was shining out of it. Incredible.. I love it. DO IT AGAIN!!!
  5. I get the same thing in my four. you don't often see them on the road, so people come up really close behind, but mine's been de-badged, big dustbin for an exhaust. If people try to drive into my boot I either slow down on purpose or blow them into the weeds.
  6. Citroen Picasso Diesel, so people know you really have given up. VW Passat? Nissan Almera verso? Ford galaxy? Vauxhall Zafira? Renault scenic? Honda jizz? I mean jazz! can't think of any more eco grocery go-getters. No, wait.... Toyota carina! which is Italian for
  7. I know i'm probably going to get crucified for saying this but I think a lot of cars today are a little boring or at least aesthetically. The usual euro box humming down the road, oh look another BMW, Audi, BMW, Audi, Renault, Vauxhall, BMW, Audi depends what floats your boat. Why not something retro cool? Or something that really caught my eye recently that I really liked that isn't retro cool perhaps more up your street in respect to "under 4 years old" the AMG A45 Merc. That thing is ballistic. 50k I know but wow, looks good and definitely means business.
  8. throw one of those in a pool and watch a scene similar to jaws, people thrashing to get out of the water.
  9. I've had something similar happen. had some grubby teen throw half a lemon @ my car to make the alarm go off. Didn't know it was a lemon at the time until dirt started to stick to a rather large sticky splat mark on the bonnet.
  10. Any chance of getting some video of this awesome combo? Im thinking of getting HFC's yeah I could do, if I knew how Got so much on at the moment but i'll try and find some time to get a vid up, because it does sound
  11. as a teacher its common knowledge that dressing smartly can help to build a better teaching environment. Its stills down to the teachers skills but dressing smartly, is a small tool in a teachers arsenal. I dress smart therefore, I am smart. LOOK AT MY ELBOW PATCHES DAMN YOU!
  12. surely if it were a Chinese copy it would say "Cobla", now that's racist!
  13. In that case, all teachers should have tweed jackets and leather elbow pads as mandatory. Children will get a better education.
  14. ahh ol' Lolo Ferrari. Strangly enough talking about hellaflush I wonder if they make suspension kits to make a Low low Ferrari.
  15. looks like a cobra Y pipe and so does the back box. Only my cobra back box says "cobra" on it in big letters.
  16. yes, that is a massive turbo. Could be mistakened for an Indesit.
  17. apparently, police will not chase down a motorcyclist ( at high speed ) if the said rider is NOT wearing helmet.
  18. Cous cous?.....with chicken, steak and/or veg
  19. love that Renault turbo! Was it reliable??
  20. The next logical step should be, the closer you get to a car, the more the airbag should inflate. The further away you get the more it deflates. so in traffic when you get too close to someone, riding their bumper, all you get is the airbag in your face until you back off. An excellent safety feature.
  21. Yep, lots of irresponsible parents in The States who buy their testosterone fuelled kids high powered cars such as The Zed. Pete yep, and then they just don't understand the value of money. I had to buy my own first car. It was crap and quite rightly so (says shaking his fist). Your first car should be caca, so you can then appreciate what it feels like to buy and drive a much better car. Those spoilt brats!
  22. i don't mind the whole hellaflush movement. I think a little stance looks ok but some of them just go too far, dragging their bellies along the motorway on the inside of their rims. Duh!
  23. I love the Nismo. It looks fandaby-dozy!! I saw one go past me the other day on the way to work in the opposite direction, I had a good glance in the rear view too when it went past and it really has some serious road presence. Lovely car.
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