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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. not so sure about lag being a problem as the gas / air flow through manifold / intercooler systems and piping moves incredibly quickly. If there were any lag, it could be sorted out by means of an EBC or a decent re-map.
  2. IMO stay away from the fiat. My cousin had one and did nothing but complain about it. Said it was as dull as mud and was awful on long journeys. I'd've thought the pug would be better of the line than the civic being a tubby with more torque than the type R, but then again, get that type R in the vtec rev range with some decent clutch control and it could be good night Vienna?
  3. take a look at this ---> http://www.parkingticketappeals.org.uk/?gclid=CLzKiuvi7MACFQsKwwod0qkAGw
  4. Don't pay. You're not obliged to. By all means speak to Halfords but don't pay that charge. . They (UKPC) might give up after a while as they don't have the authority by law to enforce the charge but they might, I say might take it to a small claims court if it turns nasty. I think something similar has happened to many a member on here. Hopefully someone will be along to confirm what i've said.
  5. ahhh, there's nothing like waking up from a bad dream to realise, it was just that, only a dream. I've had similar ones to do with my zed i.e. it had been stolen or I forgot where I parked it and found it later with parts missing. I can remember feeling absolutely gutted. But then you wake up, look out the window to see your gleaming zed and all is well.
  6. Depends on the refresh rate. I run my media / games pc through my 50" plasma with the audio going out through my pioneer av amp with 7.1 surround and its absolutely wicked for playing games on. Unfortunately since the missus moved in she has commandered my home threatre system and watches Glee on it 24/7. Im banished to sitting in the corner of the room trying to watch wheeler dealers on a 13" laptop screen. lol, I can empathise, I have to watch wheeler dealers in the other room. She used to watch glee but now it has been superseded by House wives of Atlanta , which physically hurts me to hear or watch.
  7. That VXT clings to that GT3 like gum on a shoe. Great vid.
  8. actually, Is it possible to play games consoles through a projector? I'm gonna find out ( goes to google ) apologies Grundy, as I have been useless on this thread
  9. That's such a good idea, a projector!! 100" playstation/Xbox action. My wife will go mad but I don't care.
  10. err, could you empty your in box pleeeaaase.
  11. I looooooove my cobra system. Married to some HFCs it sounds like blood and thunder.
  12. Good ol' Leeway never fails for me to beat the punch-bag to death
  13. I did manage to get the locking nut out of the socket by shocking it out with a hammer, but i'll admit by the time I got to the last locking nut it had started to slip. Still got it off though.
  14. if you're done with hip hop how about http://youtu.be/6b4opKyZpeg or to really get the blood pumping
  15. ill & Al scratch chill wit dat and Smif n wessun with their legendry Wontime,
  16. if you like a bit of hip hop (before it went downhill IMO) , Craig mack Flava in ya ear, incredible rhyming by some of the all time greats. the Beat nuts no escaping this. An example of their famously impressive selected loops.
  17. if worse came to worse, you wouldn't damage the wheel but more the wheel nut. I have done exactly the same as you before but on a locking nut that I couldn't find a replacement for. So, I just hammered on a socket that was just a little too small making it really tight, then used a breaker bar to undo it. It worked but it cost me a socket and a wheel nut.
  18. get a RX7 with eleventy million horse power with a BGW
  19. A police man stops an old lady in her car. He strolls up to the car and knocks on the window. "hello madam, do you know how fast you were going?" the woman replies "oh yes!" the police man says " you know you were doing 20mph when you should be doing 60, is there a problem?" "oh no" the woman replies. policeman says " well, you really should pay more attention to the road signs madam" woman replies " but i have been, this is the B20, i was doing 20" Policeman laughs " the name of the road is not an indication of how f.... hey, why is everyone in the car so white with shock?" "eh?" squeals the old lady. policeman says " where have you just come from?" the old lady says " we've just come off the A120.... why?"
  20. Will, those jokes just made my wet Monday a sunny one, just fantastic. People in the office are wondering what the hell i'm reading.
  21. I know the feeling though, i don't dislike spiders but sometimes you can get a house spider that's so big, that when it runs on a tiled floor it sounds as if Fred Astair is tap dancing like a world champion. Always makes me think of some stupid statistic which goes something like, " did you know that in your life time, you'll swallow 8 spiders in your sleep?" yeah, that's going to help sleep away the fear.
  22. There's no reason to be suspicious. It's just coincidence. Mine has done 76k and it's on the original clutch with no issues. Wouldn't worry about it.
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