I was sound asleep, just about getting over a nasty migraine when I heard a lot of racket coming from outside. Then, the sound of a car horn that just wouldn't stop. A car crash, almost on my front lawn. I won't go into the ins and outs of it. The driver wasn't drunk but he clearly had never driven down this particular road before. I live in a fork junction and have witnessed numerous accidents metres from my house. Anyway, this guy didn't know about the 90 degree bend in front of my house and this is what happened.
he managed to fly over the ditch an plough through the trees at the end of my garden but not quite through the other side
a bit closer, you can just about see it
snap shot from the side
front OS elevated by the undergrowth beneath
bit closer, showing some more serious damage. Damaged, door, wing, bonnet, bumper, smashed windscreen + knackered NS pillar
the path it made from the other side
The driver was fine, although he survived the accident, he fell in the ditch and got soaked just to add to his woes. Flatbed arrived this morning but left soon after as it needs to be lifted out.