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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. Going back to the auto/manual debate, I can't see why anyone would want to go with an auto (each to their own) , I know they're convenient but if that box goes wrong, it's mega bucks.
  2. i'll get some photos up tomorrow GM mate. You'll get any idea of what he was confronted with when he looked up from his GPS, which is why he had the crash apparently.
  3. No, he never noticed the zed. Poor man was in too much of state to notice. He did whine a bit how he "loved that car" but oh well. It has just been craned out and by the looks of it, OS chassis leg is about 2 - 3" out. Yowser!
  4. Tony Iommi's solo on Johnny Blade is one of my favourites as is Tony as a Guitarist. But then there is Jeff Loomis who is in another league to most: Here playing his 7 string PRS. I love this programme called "betcha can't play this" check out this guitar hero @ 1.20
  5. Both air bags went off. This all happened at around 12.45 am. He was well disorientated hense falling in the ditch and in darkness. Made him a mug of sugary tea and offered him some dry trousers and socks. Needless to say, it's a write off.
  6. I think to be fair, it's not sign posted, it is stated on the road as in "SLOW!" but could've been a mix of both.
  7. I was sound asleep, just about getting over a nasty migraine when I heard a lot of racket coming from outside. Then, the sound of a car horn that just wouldn't stop. A car crash, almost on my front lawn. I won't go into the ins and outs of it. The driver wasn't drunk but he clearly had never driven down this particular road before. I live in a fork junction and have witnessed numerous accidents metres from my house. Anyway, this guy didn't know about the 90 degree bend in front of my house and this is what happened. he managed to fly over the ditch an plough through the trees at the end of my garden but not quite through the other side a bit closer, you can just about see it snap shot from the side another front OS elevated by the undergrowth beneath bit closer, showing some more serious damage. Damaged, door, wing, bonnet, bumper, smashed windscreen + knackered NS pillar the path it made from the other side The driver was fine, although he survived the accident, he fell in the ditch and got soaked just to add to his woes. Flatbed arrived this morning but left soon after as it needs to be lifted out.
  8. T'is a shame that Toyota these days are a bit lame. I wish they'd do a new GT-four again, or something that is a bit naughty at least.
  9. I just thought it was a joke. What kind of business men or women go running around London, in suits, with a wheel barrow, trying to flog stuff in a cold call style? Just utterly ridiculous.
  10. Yeah, but smaller so, easier park and lighter so perhaps might save a few pennies on petrol. I'm bias, I've got a Golf . Best all round car I've ever had. Looks better too (which is open to opinion)
  11. ah, thanks for that Ekona . Of course depends on the diesel turbo, so perhaps my post is moot. Boost thresh hold on the My Golf is just before 2k, as for the lag, I haven't taken much notice. I'll have to try that on the way home tonight just out of curiousity. All I know is that with all the tubby cars I've had (petrol mind you) lag has never been a problem if you're in the right rev range.
  12. Golf is better than the Jetta in everyway apart from boot space.
  13. boost thresh hold is not much to write home about, or at least in my TDI Golf which is all out of ideas by 2.8rev, lag on the other hand, nothing much happenes if you floor it under 2krev, after that it's fine but pretty unresponsive before hand.
  14. Turbo diesels deliver the power in big yawns compared to turbo petrol cars. I wouldn't say it's the best example in terms of lag. A different animal IMO.
  15. my De uses a bit of oil on hard drives for sure. Not as much as you've stated though.
  16. Wow. I am amazed at the differences. To think on a qualifying lap that between 1st and 10th place there may be a second in difference in lap times, not the case in rankings in salaries.
  17. might be something to do with the banana arm bush?
  18. that guy took out the bench press bar Lmao. He got it good.
  19. I'm a big fan of retro gaming so I love those old style neo geo or arcade games. Recently got this and absolutely love it.
  20. + 1 to that ^^ it'll be a warped disc
  21. aha, I saw this recently @ the Great Grandsden Air Show. Yes, it's ear bleedingly loud but what a crate eh?
  22. I hope they make a blown version and that its RWD instead of FWD for a poxy change. That would make it more interesting and set it apart from the humdrum of FWD hatchbacks with bucket loads of torque steer. Or even 4 wheel drive for the love of Christ .
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