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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. This does wind me up proper. People who think they are safe drivers by driving below the speed limit with their high beams on and fail to dip them once over taken really annoys me. Then they might pick up speed once you've over taken them, still with their high beams on because they feel you shouldn't have over taken them even though they were below the speed limit. And to top it all, they won't indicate when they turn off the road
  2. Very nice indeed! Lovely colour. Thursday will feel like Christmas when you were 9.
  3. Even though my name is not Mr. McEsso-tesco-texaco-Q8, I just don't bother trying to figure out how much juice I've used. I couldn't care. I just drive. I'm more bothered about how much oil I've got through owning a DE.
  4. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- a Fear of long words.
  5. yeah, I don't mind the stance on it, just don't think I could cope with all the rubbing and damage to the inner wings. Boo!
  6. Well, it seems he still has most of the original parts.
  7. Very cool flex, very cool. Congrats!!
  8. just thought it might be a point of discussion. Azure blue 350z from "static crew" for sale. Not a fan personally but if anyone is interested, knock yourself out. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350z-Stance-Modified-JDM-/271621537281?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item3f3de7be01
  9. On a serious and on topic note, to say the zed is slow would be dim-witted, to say it's not the fastest car is also dim-witted. let's just enjoy our Zeds and be happy in the knowledge it doesn't sound like a 1.3 VRS.
  10. Someone left a cut off end of their trousers in the library, that was a turn up for the books.
  11. Did anyone mention this is a
  12. Got some nice clean looking Zeds there lads!
  13. That's hardly a surprise since with a few basic mods and a remap a 2.8T can easily have more power than the zed . Doesn't stop it from being a fridge on wheels though. it was a surprise to me as I knew nothing about them, especially when I was trying to outrun a Saab in my GT4 and it kept up with me no probs.
  14. sorry I haven't got any pics up yet, if I don't get blown away today whilst trying to take some i'll get them up asap.
  15. Bloody hell, that's a big @*!# to swallow. I'd want to ring that dealers neck! or someone's neck at least. Fingers crossed it'll be o.k
  16. i'm sorry, i'm not laughing at you, just how you put it. Wonderful! I hope you told that to them on the phone or to someone at Toyota.
  17. love that ZZtop Eliminator cover.
  18. front cover of Black Sabbath technical ecstasy
  19. those bloody Saab Aeros (waves fist) they are pretty quick!
  20. Seems the days of rally reps are well and truly over, i am sure i read the other day Mitsubishi have no intention of any more Evos Gt86 was a good effort to grab a little bit of a fun focussed car back, but for me, it just seemed too expensive and they perhaps over estimated the amount of people that did actually want a fine handling, na, rwd car. Lets hope they release the FT1/Supra and put something sensible in it and most importantly of all, its well priced as if it looks anything like the below and has some performance it will sell by the bucket load. I would take that any day over a GTR if it was the same money and even if it was not as quick very true jetpilot. I'd take it over the GTR too. I think it looks superb and isn't such an obvious choice.
  21. I grew up with all kinds of music, but i'd have to say that I was mainly into east coast Hip Hop until it just lost it's way by 2000. My earliest influences were more black Sabbath, white snake, rush, MC5, W.A.S.P etc. I love anything if it's done well
  22. what I don't get it is, if he was looking at his GPS, he should've known the 90 turner was coming.
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