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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. apt that it was staines as his/her undies could've had a few after seeing the blues in the rear view mirror.
  2. if you didn't actually look like that doodle Will, i'd be really disappointed
  3. Your name's Harry and you like jacking in your free time
  4. yeah that's a pretty poor show to say the least. Definitely needs a swift kick to the conkers for that.
  5. View PostRock_Steady, on 03 November 2014 - 20:12, said: GMballistic: "I prefer the other reason you gave for your username. "
  6. Actually it's the name of one of the goons from the teenage mutant ninja turtles.
  7. I don't shake I don't shiver I don't flinch I can drink a sailor into a stupor and STILL walk and not stagger I don't worry I don't care What can I say? I'm just one cool cat Look at my hands.... I'm Rock Steady
  8. if we're going to be picky, he didn't insinuate that at all, you've just translated it to mean that. He just used the possibility of the attacker being Indian as an example. At no point did he say if you're not white you're not right, so to speak. I just think there's way too much presuming going on here.
  9. Perhaps that's was what bounty was trying to say all along and just got caught up in the moment.
  10. I thought the police would pull you for blue neons as only emergency vehicles are allowed to have blue lights. Anywho, just makes the zed heavier and increases the possibility of more problems i.e. Why isn't it working anymore?, properly?
  11. In an 18th century sea battle you were most likely to be killed by ..... giant splinters.
  12. what is this world coming to? it beggars belief that someone would do such a thing, especially to such a young lad doing something nice, but anyone for any reason for that matter . Poor lad, here's hoping he makes a full recovery and that they catch the scumbag.
  13. Cheers stevo I love those wheels!!
  14. what wheels are on the tarmac sportz zed?
  15. ^^^ that is probably true. She's out shopping so much I'm sure department stores and the like are paying their shareholders dividends on a daily basis.
  16. Welcome to the money pit. I miss the days when I was single and I didn't have a wife I had to lie to.
  17. the Mitsubishi starrion was meant to be called "stallion"
  18. Many inner city pigeons are addicted to nicotine
  19. Now, I've seen 1,2 and 3 and loved them all but, someone told me recently that the last few films i.e. 5 and 6? are about what happened before 1,2 and 3 because 1,2 and 3 are actually 4,5 and 6, similar to the whole star wars scenario. Or is that all a load of pony?
  20. Rock_Steady, on 01 November 2014 - 19:18, said: Unlike any other, English is the only language, that creates activity in 2 areas of the brain when spoken. Attak Z Please explain Scientists aren't quite sure why, all they know is that speaking English creates 2 areas of activity opposed to 1 of any other language. That is not to say English is superior in any way, just that it is a bit of a mystery.
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