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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. yeah, that was really interesting.
  2. Science looks for the answers to "why" which usually takes a route of creation. Religion also, in the grand scheme of things, looks for god, the creator. If science looks for creation i.e. Higgs Boson you could say that in terms of science, that is god. Hence it's name "the god particle". Essentially religion and science look for one and the same thing just with different eyes. Simples!
  3. Just take it to an MOT test centre, they can wipe it for you. probably cost you a drink and only takes 5 minutes.
  4. I can remember reading somewhere on here, I think it was a post from a Mod, of a place you can buy the exact colour match for the Gold Brembos. Does anyone know where and what it is?, for the life of me I can't find it in the search. Apologies for the hijack.
  5. this happened to me when I changed my CATS to HFCs. After 1k miles the EML showed up. got it cleared and it hasn't reared its ugly head since. I think even a close to flat battery can throw up the EML.
  6. Anyway, Easter and Christmas are originally Pagan holidays that Christianity has just accommodated so that when Christianity was introduced by the Romans, Anglo Saxons who were pagan, didn't have to change their religious holidays to Christian ones. I.e. Jesus wasn't born on the 25th of December and so on as the 25th of December was just a celebration of the days getting longer. Other things in the Bible such as when Moses parted the sea, are exaggerations of when Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt to a river near a delta that would run dry for a couple of minutes a month and then would have a torrent of water return. Moses probably knew this already and timed it just so, and perhaps said it happened in the name of God. This happens a lot in history. The belief of giants comes from the Greeks as they were the first to find dinosaur bones. Finding a giant sized femur, which looks very similar to a human femur, must have made them think it belonged to a giant man, so came the stories of giants and the Cyclops. There's usually a rational explanation for most things.
  7. As stated by Bender from Futurama.. I don't say OMG anymore, since i'm not religious I say OYG.. oh, your, god!
  8. Village life = Everyone knowing what colour your turd was in the morning by the afternoon.
  9. I suppose why some people may believe that religion is responsible for war may come from past conquests. Today, many countries are run and managed under a heavy influence of religion, so when one country goes to war with another, perhaps for them, an intrusion into their lifestyles and traditions is seen as a "holy war" where to the other country it may be seen as to bring down an oppressive regime. Whatever that reason is, it probably won't be religion, but how the oil is controlled in the dollar and so on and so fourth. Saying that of course, doesn't make it any more plausible, yet it's motivation isn't religious. I'm sure this is probably well trodden ground.
  10. I like your style, death bed redemption.
  11. I think the only downer with the 335 is that it had pretty bad electrical issues. A lot of codes thrown up, not to mention those poxy run flats oh and the swirl flaps that sometimes get sucked into the engine Sorry i'm no making an attempt of scare mongering
  12. No it's o.k Zeezeebaba, I don't have a problem with it personally, but knowing this forum there'll probably be someone along shortly who will.
  13. i'm aware of what qualifies threads getting locked, just thought this one might descend into chaos due to its context but I sincerely hope not. Not that i'm religious either but the OP has already stated " the stupidity of man made religions " compared to the ones that aren't man made? which ones are those? thought that remark might get someone's back up.
  14. Oh for god's sakes! We all do something that'll ultimately **** someone off, it's life and everyone has an opinion and lord knows don't they differ. You just have to learn to exercise some tolerance, bite your tongue as well as your fist. Someone wrote a snotogram in a village.. ooofff. They'll probably write another soon enough. Someone's shoes were too loud for a Sunday morning perhaps. Just drive your zed into the middle of no where, get out, stand on the roof (carefully) and scream at the sky. Or just punch some villager who looks like they've recently written a letter, in the face. You just might feel better.
  15. i wonder how long it will take before this get locked
  16. I was thinking that you might've got unlucky, or it was crap brand, maybe even a mix of both. But you are right, I should get wheels that fit properly
  17. hmmmm, wheel falling off, isn't really an option. Thanks for the heads up.
  18. And where might I be able to get some of those?? I take it they're like hubcentric spacers with different stud dimensions?
  19. I've seen somewhere on here someone running BMW wheels on their Zed. My dad has some spare wheels that I was curious to try. 313 wheels from an E91 2010. They didn't fit as the 5 fig configuration doesn't match up. So, does anyone know how it's done?
  20. That is a piece of art (arc). Well done that man!! Make sure the neighbour-hood knows about it too once you've got it on!!!
  21. Yeah, they do have some poke alright. My dads 330d M-sport with a re-map has 570 lbs of torque!! And I tell ya, you put your foot down in that and it's suddenly 2015.
  22. I spent some time in Tokyo and it is a crazy place yet at the same time really safe. One thing i'll never forget are the Wangans. Those guys were just nuts. Unfortunately those days are gone since one of them crashed his skyline at nearly 200mph on Rainbow road into a Taxi. Ouch! Very cool video though
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