Anyway, Easter and Christmas are originally Pagan holidays that Christianity has just accommodated so that when Christianity was introduced by the Romans, Anglo Saxons who were pagan, didn't have to change their religious holidays to Christian ones. I.e. Jesus wasn't born on the 25th of December and so on as the 25th of December was just a celebration of the days getting longer. Other things in the Bible such as when Moses parted the sea, are exaggerations of when Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt to a river near a delta that would run dry for a couple of minutes a month and then would have a torrent of water return. Moses probably knew this already and timed it just so, and perhaps said it happened in the name of God. This happens a lot in history. The belief of giants comes from the Greeks as they were the first to find dinosaur bones. Finding a giant sized femur, which looks very similar to a human femur, must have made them think it belonged to a giant man, so came the stories of giants and the Cyclops. There's usually a rational explanation for most things.