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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. Are you absolutely sure you tightened up properly? Meaning, you tightened them up hand tight off the ground in opposite sequence first and then with a torque bar after? And then the same for the wheel nuts off the ground then on the ground in opposite sequence after? Seems that it's coincidental that this noise started since putting the spacers on.
  2. boxer riding shotgun!! love it. Hope you find a winner!!
  3. You say you had the wheels off. Why was that? It could be related.
  4. Cool. what kind of puppy are you going to pick up?
  5. i would go and get them, just that i've been made a father for a second time round recently, so it's difficult to justify the time away that isn't baby related. Boooo But you guys are right. I think I'll just make my excuses and go. Thanks for the advice.
  6. not sure in Oxfordshire but they'll coming to St.neots in cambridgshire
  7. I need to have some wheels sent from Oxfordshire to Cambridgeshire. Does anyone know of a couriers that is good to use and would recommend?
  8. Probably true? it's definitely true. Seb loeb is incredible. I don't dislike the Block but he is pretty pooh in the WRC, usually comes in @ around 8th position. If my zed had a playstation controller instead of a steering wheel..... I could do that.
  9. For Christmas i'd like, A dry sunny day with no clouds, a temperature of around 15 degrees C, hardly anyone on the roads, so I can drive my super clean zed that has been polished, with tyre dressing to drive it around for as long as I want.
  10. Very nice. I bet that munches the miles and can now belt other more exotic cars in the chops in the process!! Tint looks really good + roof rap looks the muts nuts
  11. No - I like this one because you can be polite to some one whilst knowing you're about to rip them a new one I can see the comedy value in it, just comes as a bit of a surprise when on the receiving end
  12. Remember seeing these two when I was a teen. Thought it was quite funny. Gets a bit much after a while but the initial reaction was a good chuckle.
  13. when people respond with " with all due respect " and then are really rude to you
  14. my zed came with a dribble of hugo boss left in a bottle in the centre consol.
  15. Exactly!!! This is good hard evidence of my case. Even if they are slack jawed troglodytes off Jeremy Kyle, they could just as easily use: The nitty gritty is.. The bottom line is.. What it all boils down to The reality is..
  16. Oh! And the over bloody use of " At the end of the day" At the end of the day the phrase " at the end of the day " is the most commonly used phrase at the end of the tossing day!!
  17. Something that annoys me a lot is the BBC's insistence on mispronouncing words such as "DEcade" 10 years as "deCADE" as in rotted away. :rant:And then there's the incorrect use of the reflexive pronoun "myself" to mean "I" or "me" to "yourself" to mean "you". "would yourself care to take a look at the menu?" "Keith and myself thought it was a good idea" "I done it" instead of "I did it" "You've done it perfect" Instead of "perfectly" "You was" instead of "you were" "Could/would/should of" instead of the contraction" Should've" Misuse of past participles, past simple, adverbs, auxiliary verbs, it goes on and on... :banned: :banned:
  18. oh the pot holes. I can remember them in my shirt at uni. Bloody hot rocks. But yes, poxy pot holes in my area, you'd think there had been a recent meteor shower.
  19. lol, I saw that on the GTOuk forum a while back. Thanks for posting this, it's brilliant!!
  20. 2nd that, all zeds make that noise when foot is off the clutch. As for power results, have a look in the 350 Modifications menu and click on performance. Lots of posts and pics on Dyno re-map results.
  21. well, it's made it to 14 pages, this could go on to 14,000 pages. One thing's for sure, wmr1980 has a thick skin. I salute you sir. I like the cut of your jib.
  22. I'd argue the opposite, why believe something for which there is no evidence? Do you believe in unicorns? Leprechauns? Fairies? We have no evidence for those but not many people believe they exist. or the loch ness monster for example. No loch ness pooh... no loch ness monster. Bigfoot. You'd think in 44 years of searching, a hunter would've tripped over a carcass of it, but no.
  23. I agree with you to a point Grundy. I'm not from house of " if I can't see it, I can't believe it " I can't see oxygen but I know it's there.
  24. But why? There is the same amount of evidence for life on another planet as there is that god exists? I.e. Zero. But if we're here, that is a suggestion that something else might be out there. I mean why not? Like I said, we are here. We're evidence that it's possible. The same can't be said for god. Or at least at the moment anyway.
  25. Religion doesn't look for god though does it, people just assume God is there?? They assume god is there, but secretly or unconsiously, religion does look for god. In the sense that it looks for the reason why we are here, why we were created. That is looking for god, which is the reason of why to everything. There are so many versions of Christianity under it's umbrella because, there is no real definitive answer. It's open to interpretation. Every version of Christianity is looking for god. If people really, truly, honestly, believed in God, there wouldn't be a need to go to church. To be constantly convinced each week that yes, there is one. The question is, just what is god? Relgion doesn't really give an answer.
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