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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. I know, I know lol! I've got my private plate to go on it so then Mr Blobby will be history
  2. ok - thanks for that. Looks like i'll be burning CD's for now!
  3. Hi guys, as I'm new to the world of Zed you may find me asking some questions which have been already answered so please forgive me if I'm repeating a topic Just wanted to know if its possible to play music through the Bose system via the inbuilt bluetooth from your phone?
  4. So I finally got round to taking a few quick pics this morning before I left for work! Will get some more up soon once I've had a day off and gotten round to taking some more snaps
  5. Yes and no, yes you just pull the bulb and replace but no, access isn't simple, I turned the wheel inwards and jacked the car slightly, remove the plastic rivets holding the inner wheel arch off and pull the the plastic down, this will allow access to the rear of the headlight It's a knuckle scraper but worth it ! Ah man, I was hoping it would be as simple as accessing through the engine bay. I guess I won't be able to do it in a suit while at work ha!
  6. Hi guys, I've got some LED sidelight bulbs but haven't tried to fit them yet (been raining all day!) I've changed sidelight bulbs before in other cars but before I do it in the Z, just want to make sure its straightforward access to the bulb and a simple task of pulling the old one out and replacing with the LED?
  7. yep that's him! haven't seen him around for a while now though - can't wait to tell him what I got
  8. I was gonna say coz my Z doesn't have the alezan bit on the bottom of my steering wheel. I've just bought the nismo aftermarket gearknob but am considering getting the alezan product to match it to the trim lol
  9. Hi guys, thought I'd drop a post to introduce myself here. After 7 years of dreaming and having posters and pictures of this car I've finally got to the stage to be able to agree a purchase on a 350Z yesterday and now waiting for it to be serviced and MOT'd so I can pick it up. It's Black with the Alezan leathers, GT-spec, 2008 model and 38,000 miles. I'll post pics up of it once its comfortably sitting on my drive A bit of background from myself for the reason of picking the Z over any other car. Aside from the fact that it's a beautiful machine which gives a lot of competitors a serious run for their money, the car actually is part of the family in a way. It was designed by my cousin, Ajay Panchal, when he used to work for Nissan in San Francisco. I first drove his car soon after passing my driving test when he was back in London and fell in love with it straight away and had my sights set on it. Anyway - now I'm finally a proud owner and looking forward to sharing with the group! Chirag
  10. Hi guys, i've just bought my Z yesterday. waiting for it to be serviced, MOT'd and taxed and ready to pick up in a few days. I've noticed a few scuff marks on the seats and the steering wheel from wear and tear and was thinking of getting a bottle of alezan and a bottle of black to touch them up to make it look like new again. I've got the orange leather seats too and just wanted to make sure that Alezan is the only orange colour available for the leathers?
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