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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. I used a credit card to slide around it and the cover just pops out
  2. drove mine for the first time in TWO days and I couldn't wait ha
  3. i think if you're keeping the spoiler leave it in black, its a nice contrast to the existing car colour
  4. Is there a guide on how to do this?
  5. Depends on how much you bought it for and how much you're willing to spend. I bought mine for £12k so not looking to do anything major for a while! Cheap and cheerful mods include stubby aerial, changing the sidelights/interior lights/number plate lights/boot light to LEDs, bonnet dampers, "mad look" eyelids. Invest in some good quality cleaning products too if you're looking to wash it yourself. I picked up a meguiars kit for £25 off eBay and it came with everything I needed as a starter kit. I'm sure a lot of the guys on here will have plenty of options to fulfil your modding dreams
  6. Not sure if this has been done already but I find that "card holder" bit on the passenger side a bit pointless. Is there anyway to turn it into a proper cup holder?
  7. I like the spoiler mate, suits it well. How easy/tricky is it to change the badges?
  8. Mines a 2008 coupe in black with the alezan (orange) leather seats, GT pack too and with the in-built satnav. Been my dream car for the past 8yrs and feels good to finally have something to show off to all the haters lol
  9. That looks so much fun! Can't wait to take my zed out to drift - but following what mctwist said about the tyres?
  10. Welcome mate, I was in the same boat as you last month - boy did those next 4 days dragggg! What's the spec on yours?
  11. i'm sure it says free delivery but who cares for the sake of a few pennies - anyhoo i just ordered it from there
  12. save yourself another 40p at amazon! http://www.amazon.co.uk/Poorboys-World-Natural-Look-Dressing/dp/B004ZLAZ82/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1388684073&sr=8-2&keywords=poorboys+natural+look+dressing
  13. chirag1988

    Looking HOT!

    I do like that first zed. The colours compliment each other very well
  14. You got it bad chirag1988 and there is no know cure for it... :lol: I know I think I'm gonna have to give my account details to my girlfriend to look after Are you trying to empty your bank account?!! Cause that's what'll happen.... She'll probably use to put down as a deposit on a house or something silly like that
  15. Will definitely get pics up once done Ian and looking forward to getting the sticker to rep our community
  16. Happy birthday to the forum! Although I've not been on it for long I've already found it to be very useful and looking forward to meeting more fellow Z owners!
  17. Looking forward to getting these and fitting them! Ooh would you look at that I just passed the 100th post mark
  18. You got it bad chirag1988 and there is no know cure for it... I know I think I'm gonna have to give my account details to my girlfriend to look after
  19. i've gone and ordered the eyelids and also put my name down for the bonnet struts - HELP!
  20. 1. Grundy 225 2.WhackyWill. 3. chirag1988 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Damn Zeditis is taking hold quicker than I thought!
  21. Happy new year to everyone! Hope 2014 is a good one with plenty of mods and plenty of Zeditis!
  22. AFAIK only standard audio format I thought so but worth a shot!
  23. let me know how you get on - although after seeing Eastys cap i'm inclined to wait until i've got a "spare" £50 lying about lol
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