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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. Yeah it's just a bit of a pain at the moment with the weather. A couple of weeks ago I cleaned the car and that evening it rained - beading looked great but as soon as I took it out, it had gotten some mud kicked up onto the side from the wheels - so frustrating!
  2. Cool, I've just ordered a can off of ebay - will give it a try when it arrives!
  3. With regards to the quick detailers, or waterless wash products - are you not just rubbing the dirt back onto the car when just using a spray and wipe? I'm asking because I posted a topic before about a waterless product for a quick clean in between the proper washes and that's what I was told...
  4. Ok thanks mate - I'm guessing you can just wash your hands afterwards as you'll probably end up spraying the hand that's holding it?
  5. Hi mate I need to do the same for my switch handles. Was looking at getting normal Satin black paint but this plastidip sounds pretty good, especially given the rubber-like finish. Quick question when priming and spraying - did you spray one side, let it dry then do the other side? I'm guessing you wouldn't be able to coat the whole thing in one go would you?
  6. Well I was watching videos on YouTube in bed last night of the different exhaust systems available for the Zed...you can guess what I dreamed about afterwards
  7. Yeh I've read people saying it's too drony in the cabin
  8. So I've had a listen to sound clips of both invidia and cobra and for me the cobra does it. Now just a matter of putting some money aside - to give to CS How much difference is there between resonated and non resonated?
  9. Looks like exhaust it is then! Now just gotta find the right one...
  10. What different options are available for exhaust Mitz? I understand there's different parts of the exhaust, but not sure which I'll need and what each part does? Sorry for my ignorance but what are HFCs? Yeah they do look a treat, but you're right, with the HR I'm basically spending double the amount for 2 intakes! I've also been told the stock intake is probably the best for the car
  11. I'm confused!! I've got a 2008 HR 350z with the dual intake. I was looking to buy the Injen Dual Intake system, however I messaged The Bounty Bar Kid who has this installed and he said it doesn't make much difference to the sound and you can't really tell much difference in power either. Now I know there have been discussions where people state gains or losses in power with induction kits, but I'm not fussed about this side much as it's negligible and I'm exactly looking to race. What I want is something which is going to give me a good sound for everyday driving. The other thing I've read is that people who have changed their exhaust system then say the noise from exhaust overpowers the noise the induction kit produces. So my question is this - do I spend my money on an induction kit or a good exhaust system? Of course there's a cost difference but if one is clearly better than the other I'd rather save that much longer and do the better mod. I've got no idea on exhaust systems and what I'd need to buy, etc so any advice would be much appreciated - or just point me towards the relevant threads!
  12. Nice looking Zed there mate. Time will effectively stop for you this week lol
  13. I'm gonna be driving straight in on the day, coming from London. Am I better off going straight to castle combe or meet at the hotel?
  14. I think this looks so much better than the rag top. I've always preferred the look of hard top convertibles over soft tops. But being in Britain I guess we'd probably get to take the top down for a week out of the year
  15. Very nice pic I'm waiting for my first summer with my Zed. Hopefully we'll have good weather for Wales for some scenic pics
  16. I doubt anyone looks as bad as me. I can never be bothered looking good after work, so im in grey joggers and grey hoodie when in the zed. People must think i stole it looking like a proper chav Yeah but I look like a tramp! :lol: I love scruffing out it in the zed, you get such weird looks from people when it pulls up and you've got your detailing tracky b's on and a hoody covered in stains. Same here. Especially at a petrol station - I just get the oddest looks from people when I'm wearing rags lol. I just look back at them, then look at their car and smile
  17. It's the orange stickers on my bonnet dampers that's kick started the orange theme Ian
  18. Thanks mate - next will be tackling spray painting some engine bits and also a slam panel next month!
  19. That's the only thing I'm scared of - getting runs on the final product! But good to know it can be mended. The other thing I don't want to do is end up filling the holes on the battery and brake fluid cover - but like Easty said, just gotta make sure I do nice light coats. Once I get my slam panel I'll probably get that colour coded too so that the orange theme matches up nicely
  20. So I gave it a try today and this was the result I used the Fiesta Orange from Halfords - it has a nice pearlescent effect. It came out ok, there were a few ripples on one side but with a bit more practice I think I'll be ready for to do the actual bits. Pleased with the colour though!
  21. Tell me about it mate, I prefer cutting so much more to bulking. I'm at the stage now where by my last meal is like trying to push out that last rep lol. The toilet is my best friend at the moment haha
  22. So I finally got round to attaching my Mad Look eyelids today courtesy of Steve at Redline Styling! Had them sprayed by RT Performance last week and they match up perfectly
  23. I'm in the same boat as you - used to be a hardgainer (still am) and struggle to put on any weight. I used to weigh around 78-80kg at my peak and was still pushing a decent weight, however this time around when i did my bulking cycle I've now gone up to 91kg and still got another 6wks of bulking left. I'm a massive fan of USN Muscle Fuel Anabolic when bulking but not for cutting. I use it post-workout and for my pre-workout I'm using Kre-Alkalyn with BCAA's. Also take a serving of BCAA's after training and glutamine and creatine and then ZMA before bed. I'm munching down around 4000 calories a day! I've put on some fat, but there's a lot more muscle and strength than ever before now as well. Breakfast: Big bowl of porridge plus 2 pop tarts and a protein shake Couple of hours later: Tub of cottage cheese and a croissant with nutella and peanut butter Lunch: I get these ready meals from www.musclefood.com or 2 chicken breasts and brown rice, then yogurt and something sweet Couple of hours later: Fresh fruit (just a random mix of anything) Oat/cereal bar Pre-gym: Pasta with tuna, or salad consisting of avocado, peppers, mozarella and tuna Post-gym: USN Muscle Fuel Anabolic Dinner: Anything high in protein and carbs My training is a four day split: Monday - Legs - Squats, Leg press, Hamstring curl, Lunges, Calf raises Tuesday - Chest - Incline bench, Flat bench, Flat flyes, Cable flyes with handles at the top, Machine incline press Thursday - Back - Bent over barbell rows, T-bar rows, Single arm dumbell rows, Wide grip lat pulldowns, Narrow grip lat pulldowns Friday - Shoulder & Arms - Military press, Arnie press, lateral raise, Reverse flyes (rear delts), Shrugs, Barbell curl, Skull crushers, Superset hammers with dumbell tricep raise, superset preacher curl with tricep cable pulldown The training routine I use for the big lifts is Jim Wendler's 531 Routine. You may think you're not doing many reps, but try it out for a few months. My strength went through the roof and I found myself putting on a kilo a week in mass! But key thing for weight gain is YOU GOTTTA EAT Give me a shout if you need any info mate
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